July update ... we got trees, climbing animations, and sparkly graphics. Ok....
Someone stop the presses!
Get all the Bobs on the line from the hundreds of other MMORPGs on the market. Pantheon has great news to share with them.
They learned how to make trees, animate a character, and make sparklies on the screen. I am sure the other MMO developers will be excited to know that they can finally put trees in their games.
Oh... wait. You mean they have been putting trees in games for literally decades now?
Hmmm... well surely animating a model to climb surfaces is ne.... No? Done a gazillion times before.
Ok... what about the sparkly graphics then? That's got to be ground breaking. I mean look at those shiny shapes and all. Oh... every MMORPG since the beginning of time has had spell graphics for the most part.
Well fuck me running. I wonder if we will get tech demos of character's emoting next month. /sigh