Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Blackwing Lair Raider
I love how the ogre's idle animation is so detailed. You can see him breathing in and out, and watch his feet glide forward and backwards frictionlessly over the floor.
  • 5Worf
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Hope he rolls up on you like Gumby and bashes your gate when u get ganked
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Triggered Happy
Doesn't look great. The poison effect near the crystals looks like it'll get old really quick, what the fuck were they thinking with that design. Graphics look pretty bad, it doesn't look like the gameplay makes up for that.

Pretty underwhelming overall.


Trakanon Raider
Doesn't look great. The poison effect near the crystals looks like it'll get old really quick, what the fuck were they thinking with that design. Graphics look pretty bad, it doesn't look like the gameplay makes up for that.

Pretty underwhelming overall.
It's because they're designing a single player or single group game, with the expectation that a single player or group will only ever be in an area.
Not a game for 200-400+ people in a zone at the same time. The breakdown in the design is everywhere, but the whales don't care, they've paid their $1000 and will love it to death.
Their no-instance stance along with short sighted design is removing their audience before they even have a chance to stop subscribing. The cargo-cult community defends every legit criticism with "Don't play it, then" Awesome, that's exactly what you want when attracting new customers.

As has been true since the Kickstarter, the list of what they don't have is still longer than the list of what they do have, and there's no evidence that will change any time soon.
Just so it's been said; This is the third time they've tried and failed to design and implement classes. All the classes are NOT in the game. They still don't have working pets or doors. They haven't made public any significant or basic design decisions on the economy, crafting, world bosses, max-level raiding/competition, loot, currency, weight, zone count, account concurrency per server, continent count, TTK, GCD, or many others. Everything is just TBD. To this day, 7 years later, they still haven't stated what database they've chosen for prod. They still haven't even confirmed they HAVE a database, and aren't hard coding everything. If they have? What is it? Oh right, they won't say. TBD.

Half their classes, on paper, only generate the resources that make them special while in combat. Half only generate those resources when out of combat. That disparity in design is so jarring, but, no-one cares. They're offering players class defining abilities, then giving all mobs a chance to respawn, randomly, with abilities that make those classes unable to perform their role. That's not fun design that attracts the target audience, that's some next-level sadism. Bait and switch? These guys are writing the book on it. "We won't have a cash shop, but we might". Riiiiight.

The list of what's demonstrated as broken, illogical, or doesn't scale in a persistent MMO in their latest demo zone, Fortress of DeViare, is embarassing. Everything from a broken economy, to inconsistent itemization, clearly broken weight/carry/inventory system, op/broken abilities/spells, hell they don't even have item spawning and inventory stacking working right, and it's been 7 years? WTF did they do for those 7 years? The Fortress zone uses more default/free Unity assets than not. Their lighting is a joke; they're literally using darkness to cover a multitude of sins. The lack of polish and utterly missing massively multiplayer design is.. well, I don't see how anyone would invest anything in this project based on that demo, but a sucker is born every minute, I guess.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Still in development, received additional funding. lookatcha.

Holy shit....this game even looks bad in almost complete darkness. Might as well make every race human just to hide the lack of EQ+ graphics.

trip falling GIF by Testing 1, 2, 3
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Does this game have a cooking skill I can raise ...

..or fail at? :p
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  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
The bow is the worst weapon in the game. Even when it's powered up, it still sucks. If you get some good boons and auto fire, you can defeat Hades with it, but it's still terrible. The gun is actually the best weapon in the game when you get the right Daedalus upgrades. If you get cluster bomb with Delta Chamber (infinite shots) you can finish the entire run in under thirty minutes.

It's because they're designing a single player or single group game, with the expectation that a single player or group will only ever be in an area.
Not a game for 200-400+ people in a zone at the same time. The breakdown in the design is everywhere, but the whales don't care, they've paid their $1000 and will love it to death.
Their no-instance stance along with short sighted design is removing their audience before they even have a chance to stop subscribing. The cargo-cult community defends every legit criticism with "Don't play it, then" Awesome, that's exactly what you want when attracting new customers.

As has been true since the Kickstarter, the list of what they don't have is still longer than the list of what they do have, and there's no evidence that will change any time soon.
Just so it's been said; This is the third time they've tried and failed to design and implement classes. All the classes are NOT in the game. They still don't have working pets or doors. They haven't made public any significant or basic design decisions on the economy, crafting, world bosses, max-level raiding/competition, loot, currency, weight, zone count, account concurrency per server, continent count, TTK, GCD, or many others. Everything is just TBD. To this day, 7 years later, they still haven't stated what database they've chosen for prod. They still haven't even confirmed they HAVE a database, and aren't hard coding everything. If they have? What is it? Oh right, they won't say. TBD.

Half their classes, on paper, only generate the resources that make them special while in combat. Half only generate those resources when out of combat. That disparity in design is so jarring, but, no-one cares. They're offering players class defining abilities, then giving all mobs a chance to respawn, randomly, with abilities that make those classes unable to perform their role. That's not fun design that attracts the target audience, that's some next-level sadism. Bait and switch? These guys are writing the book on it. "We won't have a cash shop, but we might". Riiiiight.

The list of what's demonstrated as broken, illogical, or doesn't scale in a persistent MMO in their latest demo zone, Fortress of DeViare, is embarassing. Everything from a broken economy, to inconsistent itemization, clearly broken weight/carry/inventory system, op/broken abilities/spells, hell they don't even have item spawning and inventory stacking working right, and it's been 7 years? WTF did they do for those 7 years? The Fortress zone uses more default/free Unity assets than not. Their lighting is a joke; they're literally using darkness to cover a multitude of sins. The lack of polish and utterly missing massively multiplayer design is.. well, I don't see how anyone would invest anything in this project based on that demo, but a sucker is born every minute, I guess.

But you can climb!
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user