Smed and Toost led Brad and his team to the early stages of development. If it weren't for them taking a chance on two nursery business data programmers/part-time mud players we would not be here today arguing and insulting one another.
I am only mad about one thing in Pantheon going into this week's stream. The way I handled the website and my access. Kilsin told me I still have access to the game but I was permanently banned from the forums and the discord. Joppa has said numerous times it was ok to be critical, open, and honest with them. I did not say anything that wasn't wrong at the time and could have been quite easily fixed in a matter of an afternoon. It may not have been kosher. Their response was fuck you. Even before the sanctions were placed on my account which pledged over $500 before my comment, they had been trying to disable my account. Killsin was hanging out in the Ashes chat room and knew I was having a problem with Minus. I never wanted to work for them I was just a fan who wanted to play the game. I did get what was offered in my pledge I wasn't able to participate in the VIP discussion. VR makes you pay money to join their forum to post. The content creators and moderators blocked me from their communities using any excuse but they are one step from the madness too. VR is too chicken shit to tell me my account in which I paid $500 is basically banned because I would be entitled to a refund. The same thing happened to Gigabear but Giga took it a step further and doxxed him. Steven got over $3500 from him. I have decided to file a petition to the State AG office in the next few days.
Smed made a comparison once that just because I pay $10 to go see the new Spiderman movie doesn't give me the right to tell Sam Raimi about why I didn't like the movie. You are 100% right. But in the same instance, you cant tell the movie theaters to not sell me a ticket to the next movie, right? My research comment was a matter of public record and viewable by anyone. Killin tried to hide the fact he was a member of the Ashes discord on his alt account. In many Pantheon videos, I have heard I recognize his voice. I blame the higher-ups for the decisions. Just like the fact, No one mentions that Brad's wife died during the refactoring too.
Brad had to sell off his stock to cover the money spent on his wife's medical bills. After VR acquired his part of the stock they continued to use his name as a shield.
VR seems to be in a better position now than 3 years ago.