The only interaction I really had on the forums was about my website. There was no AdSense or any type of advertising of links with Enjin. I maybe posted a few times on the main forums. I have quite many friends on the Pantheon forums. Maybe 900+ because of my website. My website has over 8 k hits just on their forum alone.
Kilsin disabled my account/email and then place me ignore after I made the one post. There is no way to get my alpha key. It was a simple question that generated 3 k views in 3 hours. The post was on Nephele thread who I recommend joining the team and then it escalated from that point. People like Vandraad then took the question to the next level by doing memes and Ben Dean got involved and put his foot in his mouth. They deleted the thread that night in June 2020. There were no other negative posts. I have always been positive on Aradune Facebook page and my website, Crossroads of Terminus, about Pantheon. A lot of the negative stuff happened way after the brush with Minus in April 2020. They tried to get me to sign an NDA in order for me to be a content creator and to receive special perks like interviews from the team, but I turned them down. Apparently, none of the other content creators signed one. They were going to use it as a muzzle on me. I paid for VIP access but for some reason, I wasn't let in the chat room. Medawky couldn't tell me why, but he knew. I got pissed I asked them the question about their financial status after the VIP chat. There were a lot more people talking smack worse than me on the forums, but they never said a word to them.
I never took a dime from them. I never had my package upgrade to VIP for free. I paid for it out of my own pocket.
My website was pretty huge and had a following. I gave away prizes to people and not promises like Pantheon +
Things were very shaky back then and people would have really freaked out bad if the CCs told people that brad's wife died a month after Brad. It was kept secret. things seem more stable now.
Kilsin told me in 2020 I still had access to the game but I am perm banned from the forums. They were afraid I guess I would weaponize my friend's list. I maybe the only person banned from their discord and forums.