I noticed a few things that I want to talk about in the video.
Steve Clover joining the team is huge. But who did he replace? They spent so many months talking about the HDRP that they didn't say that it was finished. They used some other muffled term to describe its current state. Apparently, they said Steve was working on the banking system right now. Steve has been out of the loop for years working with his youth ministry on the east coast.
Ok, EQ had originally 6 developers-programmers on staff, VR has 3 right now. I think Kyle or the other programmer might have left or going to leave soon. Watch and see. I could be wrong.
What happens to your game when your main programmer leaves the company, and no one can pick up the slack or can understand the code at that point. Remember they are millions of lines of code in the game, and the network code is never truly finished, so don't be fooled by the alpha check-off list. The textures have to be capable with the network code at all times or you are going to have some major issues. I wish Roger Uzun was still around with us. They are still using the unity engine and the feel of a Crowfall setting. There will be so much competition in the future for all might buck. So, they need to buckle down. Is Steve salary or work for hire?
VR has hired "legends" from the past before and they have stayed for a while but then have passed on to other things like Brasse and Tony Garcia.
Last 20 mins of the video, they showed off a small preview of the other zones from a distance. Cool. Remember they use a procedurally generated terrain graphic system. Also, remember there are 12 zones on this continent, but they haven't shown one completed zone yet, just 3 zones being worked on. Remember there is a total of 63 zones on the three continents for release plus a chain of islands still to do.
They could not mention EQ or Vanguard in the stream because EG7 still owns them, but they definitely have the feel of Vanguard's huge zones. Remember huge zones take time to be developed and resources to be planted. Vanguard had so much detail in it but the thing that bothers me is that they are focusing on the vertical elements of the zones, which is great but are you building a box consisting of 300 meters high/low in each direction or a continent of zones. Wasting so much time with one zone vertically.
Did they do away with Gaia? No mention of it because they mentioned using Infinity, oops Unity Engine. Make up your mind.
They had some hecklers on tonight's stream unfortunately I was asleep. So much concept art again. it will be a while before we see it in the game. It is taking so long to develop this game. How is the money situation? Brad's family put up collateral for this project to make this game happen and I hope they finish it. Steve, coming back, helps secure some of the investor's doubts.
I give the Stream a B- rating. Good but needs improvement.