Correct, there is no publicly confirmed, enumerated, or stated persistence layer, yet.
So far, ALL of the pre-alpha tests have been utilizing and demonstrating session persistence only.
They have also, to date, only been scheduled for very brief periods. A few hours per testing session, and only one or two testing sessions ANNUALLY.
For those who have difficulty with reading comprehension, I'll repeat that: As a whale donator, you get to pay USD$1000+ for the privilege of maybe testing for a few hours during a pre-assigned window of testing, per YEAR, from 2014 to 2022.
In some years, there was exactly one testing window. One. And if you were fortunate, you got to test for 2 hours in that year. Weeoo.
They have not publicly stated what actual database product they have deployed for their persistence layer. As in, the thing that makes an MMO an MMO? Yeah, that thing. No public information. From the "transparent" development team of "veterans". Riiiight.
Meanwhile, the ECO team has their entire goddamned design, including ALL layers, ( persistence as well ! ) posted in their Discord as a pinned topic. Because their shit just works.