Its interesting how much you can fill in the blanks about this girl just from this gif. That, or I just remember girls like her from HS and College.
No one rushes to her aid, or gives any fucks at all. Its like they all know her, know shes a desperate whore, ranks a 4/10 on scale, is a bitch to everyone cause she wants to portray that she's hotter than she is (hence the attempt at showing off, and the damn near naked outfit while everyone else is dressed for fucking fall.) She probably has two fat friends that she treats like shit, but acts pitiful when they try to go away and guilt trips them to stay. Gets completely wasted at parties and passes out in vulnerable positions. Claims she was raped at the party, but doesnt know by who. (Cause she wasnt really raped. People just drew a dick on her face.) Not even a dude with mediocre popularity will fuck her because he'd rather shoot his brains out than listen to her talk. .. Jesus, I can almost hear this girls voice in my head. Im done.