Why am I watching Cohh show off noobie yard content when I saw him show off mid-level dungeon content 7 years ago

Why am I watching Cohh show off noobie yard content when I saw him show off mid-level dungeon content 7 years ago
Isn't Cohh a invester though? Never take anyone's word for gospel when they have a financial interest in the thing they are plugging.
Haters are gonna hate hate hate. This is the next WoW
How many years, pre-alphas, and HR workers will it take to implement wheelchair dragons?Haters are gonna hate hate hate. This is the next WoW
How many years, pre-alphas, and HR workers will it take to implement wheelchair dragons?
Haters are gonna hate hate hate. This is the next WoW
4 years.
4 years. Thats all the time you get.
Then this website goes from the biggest World of Warcraft: Current Year fansite to the biggest Pantheon fansite.
Done playing with you fuckers.
How many years, pre-alphas, and HR workers will it take to implement wheelchair dragons?