From what i understand, they are disburse funding every stage of completion. Alpha would be the next phase they would receive more funds. This is why the to do list is so important to the development of the game. It hurts that Tehom left the project because you notice they are stalling for time in developing the other classes. 6/13 classes done with the harder classes to do with pet pathing and unity left. Lol. Thats why they are doing these class rehashes over and over. I bet they start updating the previous zones like Black Rose Keep soon. Class Balance and bugs will kill a game faster than white on rice. The fact Zaide found a simple bug with sneak doesn't look too good to me about the other parts yet to be discovered. It was actually funny that he said to not tell the developers he found the bug while they were listening on stream. it makes me wonder if it wasnt planned. Zaide I got to wonder about something. Did you read my rant about the dragon being a lie on the previous streams. VR in the past has coached streamers to not to go in certain areas for various reason while they were on stream and then the next stream all of a sudden, the streamer is told to to now go into the area like it was there all along. They did with COE. It was actually a really big wyvern and not a dragon for the record. I guess the unity store was out of dragons that week and all they had were wyverns. Only a true dice roller would know the difference. You know Cobalt scar is full of Dragons. Lol. In the previous streams there does not seem to be a lot of mobs visible in these PA sessions. You guys notice that?