Oh, hold the phone, we've got an Alpha access holder here!
-Brasse was the one who talked me into investing in Pantheon she was one of the guides on Quellious back in 1999. I looked up to Brasse because she took roleplaying to a new level as a player. i wanted to be a guide as a result of her. I started off as a cleric and then switched to a Bard.
I'm truly amazed that you've managed to keep believing in the fairy tale that is Pantheon's development. I am a man of faith. You got to believe in a higher purpose. I have died 3 times and managed to come back and talk about it.
Your commitment to denial is genuinely impressive – a true modern masterpiece.
-Not many people know this story, The day Brad died someone was calling my name when in Ashes Discord trying to get my attention as the news travelled the internet. I was sleep and they had to break the news to me. I had just signed up for Pantheon, with the Black Rose package. I watched the special that the content creators put on for Brad. I was moved. EQ meant alot to different people and different reasons. In a lot of ways EQ saved my life. Many years ago, my father was diagnosed with terminal Brain Cancer, and I would take him to the Cancer center at Chapel Hill wear he went to college after high school. it was a very stressful time for the family. My father was the best dad anyone could have, and he adopted me when I was two. I never met my biological father. EQ help me get away, escape and out of trouble. Bazgrim has even gave up on the project.
Banned from the forums, you say? Well, who would have thought that sharing insightful information about CALIFORNIA would ruffle some feathers?
Clearly, your genius knows no bounds.
-When you have over 800+ friends on the forums, everything you post people would join in on and my post generated over 5000 views that afternoon. They had to delete the post after Ben Dean put his foot in his mouth. The forum that afternoon got trolled hard. I was known in the community for my webpage, The Crossroads of Terminus. Enjin did away with webpages, so all my work was lost. It was very similar to this webpage.
And let's all give a round of applause to the shining example of parenting who prioritizes Blade and Soul's RMT over their own flesh and blood.
-Seriously. What the fuck you were thinking Minus. Minus hates EQ. Before he started P+ he was started WOW+ and planned to expose the Cosby Suite Debate. They ran him off.
Your kid must be incredibly proud.
In Minus defense I know for a fact he works really hard at what he does. Brasse told Minus to kick me from the community after she heard Liz contacted me.

She shortly left the community after that incident. internet Gaming addiction is real. Asmon just had a mid-level streamer borrow 300k from other streamers to buy COD CS loot crates and got caught.
Ah, the all-knowing CEO of VR, playing on Prexus, the oracle of our time!
This is interesting you said oracle. You sound like a Pantheon white knight. The person denied who he said he was and I dont respect people for lying and weaseling. I won't doxxed him until the feds ask for my hard drive.
I'm sure they're just delighted to chat with someone of your... er... caliber.
-I hung out with Kilsin all the time in Ashes discord. He is really a good guy with a job to do. i played with Kyle in New World and EQ. He told me who he was and i respected it. I don't blame Kilsin for kicking me from the forums.
And kudos for finally revealing the grand plan – "never coming out," but let's keep the money train chugging along. It's the crowdfunding equivalent of a magic trick – now you see your cash, now you don't.
-The team has a lot of bad luck beyond what anyone can ever imagine in a lifetime.
Your noble belief in mercy killing for a game? Admirable, really.
They should have cancelled the game once Brad and his wife passed away. All the content creators knew it but me and were told to not say anything.
Perhaps you should consider applying that wisdom to your own forum posts. I'm sure the community would appreciate the respite from your "charming" insights.
And as for your interview fantasy with Joppa, rest assured that you'll remain in your own little world where your "no softball questions" would likely be a mix of incoherent rambling and conspiracy theory fan fiction.
-joppa did privately apologize to me once for all the trouble I went thru with this game.
Keep reaching for the stars, Alpha holder! Your talents in distorting reality and concocting elaborate fantasies are truly unparalleled.