It's going to be a lot more entertaining for me when this hits beta
It'll be more entertaining for us as well as we will have even more "content" with which to mock you with where this pile of vapourware is concerned.It's going to be a lot more entertaining for me when this hits beta
Weightlifting and any video that starts with feet on either side of something sticking up that could impale itself within one's nethers should they fall. Nope.After watching like 3 broken arms, a broken neck fatality, and a prolapsed anus, I no longer have the intestinal (lol) fortitude to click on any weightlifting GIF what-so-ever.
It's going to be a lot more entertaining for me when this hits beta
I thought you quithappy pantheonn and eg7 thoughts
I thought you quit
Didn't quit, but he's super busy busting out all this podcast content
View attachment 493698
Remember guys, Talk Like A Pirate Day videos average 80k views
Tomorrow is another day closer to launch
Keep it pirate, bros