Does gear make a big difference for tanking? Our tanking paladin was getting spanked in starter gear. I don’t think he even had a shield.
I just long for the days of your when rubicide dropped and a frog made everyone dark elves
I was never able to get the BP but I had all the other rubicite pieces. Had a low level rogue in full rubicite with a mithril bp, felt like a raid boss running around in that shit.
The dark elf mask is how I met my guild leader. I was sitting in Mistmoore looking for a group and this high elf zones in and then turns into a dark elf. I had never seen someone do that before so messaged him and asked him how he did that. “Mask from a mob in guk.” “What’s a mob?” Lol. I pestered this guy about everything under the sun. Wound up befriending him, getting to max level and joining his guild, Cohort Chalybeius. Got into raiding and the rest is history. My dark elf mask and my primal velium war lance were my most prized possessions.
As for this game - stats are so low baseline that adding 3 makes a big difference. Shaman buffs are amazing.
As for armor or AC making a difference, can’t really say. My brother is our dire lord tank but he’s still wearing the same leather shit I am on my shaman. We do alright
I got cleric to 12, we got a good little group going. Rolled a rog after finding a 5 dmg dagger and jesus what a difference in kill speed.Soloing as a Cleric always sucks ass. Low level soloing as a wizard is retardedly easy.
I got cleric to 12, we got a good little group going. Rolled a rog after finding a 5 dmg dagger and jesus what a difference in kill speed.
Aveous 1 or whatever.Dark Trade server?
Does gear make a big difference for tanking? Our tanking paladin was getting spanked in starter gear. I don’t think he even had a shield.
No sub, just pay-to-beta as you said. A number of the posters here are on Dark Trade, I wound up on Lucent Tree cause of some buddies.Beyond buying the game is there a monthly sub to factor in or is it pay-to-beta at the minute.
Happy to drop 35 quid on what could become the next VG but just want to know going in. Also, which server (if there is such a thing)?
It’s black moonYea, I'll be playing once I get home. Hopefully, we can get everyone on the same Server (sounds like Darktrade) and get some shit happening.
Fucking torches.
Can you just cast Light on a helmet or something? lol
Can't wait to get home and play.