I'll bite.
I think if the KS fails or is pulled down and Brad goes manic and crawls into a hole (as in disappears, stops talking/tweeting/posting), then pretty much everyone will lose respect for him.
However, I think as long as he stays in communication with "us" (fans, backers, whatever), it won't be that bad. I'd still support him. Communication, as in "Ok all of us at VR have been talking and we think we can do this so much better but we need more time. We believe that you guys deserve the best possible game we can create blah blah blah. Now we understand better how this works blah blah blah blah".
The "kickstarter to kickstart Pantheon" is such a great idea. I mean, ok set the goal low but enough to where it covers the cost of your team members producing some rough draft of a piece of the game, etc (some of the best KS I've seen have a video of someone playing a rough version and saying things like "if this KS is funded, we'd like to improve X").
Also, in this initial "Kickstarter to kickstart Pantheon", as a reward for being a backer, SEND ME A PANTHEON WRIST BAND!
Make 1000 wristbands for like $180!
Then while VR is preparing for the "real" kickstarter, all the backers are sporting Pantheon wristbands, creating buzz around town lol
OK well, my point is, it depends on how this is handled, but I think most of the people who have pulled their pledges or changed their tunes still desperately want to believe in Brad and Pantheon. They just need a good, solid reason.