If I go to a game's website to decide if I want to purchase said game I should be able to get all the information I need right there. I shouldn't need to search high and low for every possible tidbit and then wade through hundreds or thousands of forums posts to find the tangible information.
Zoeii, a lot of the stuff you listed isn't even on the KS page, and that KS page is their store front right now. It has to sell the project, and it's doing a piss poor job. It's common sense to have a unified, central source of information for your product(s). It's fairly obvious they are scrambling and coming up with ideas on the fly, but rather than vet the ideas and let them percolate they are throwing darts at their audience to see which ideas stick. It shows a lack of direction and makes us dubious about what information you can actually trust, even from the developers. Brad also has a terrible history of flat out lying about what is and isn't in a game. And it goes back to way before Vanguard. This isn't a second chance for Brad to prove he's capable of making a game. It's a chance at a clean slate; to create a more trustworthy persona for himself. Vanguard wasn't his only bungle, he flat out lied about things that were or were not in EverQuest, for years. He has shown in the past he has no respect for his audience and right now he's completely unfocused. He's like an adolescent on a sugar high, he can't keep himself occupied with the task at hand, which is to formulate a design document and convey, in real terms, the core systems of his game.
Acclimating to weather conditions is a fun concept, but it isn't a core gameplay feature. It's just a nice touch; the type of thing people look for in luxury items. This will not be a luxury MMO. Stick to the basics and let us know what those basics actually are in more than just vague comparisons to past games ("The death penalty will be similar to Vanguard's. Possibly harsher") and "food for thought". He's fishing for ideas from us, which in practice isn't bad... when you are in information gathering stages of the product lifecycle. That is supposed to happen long before you go to "investors" (KickStarter) with an actual business plan.