Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Elisha Dushku
Would still love to see some numbers for SOE or SCEA to support this talk of these business units' financial performance.
looks like a 15b yen loss in games on the 6k. Google Sony Edgar sec. For last quarter. Someone else will have to cut and paste the profit and loss by segment section.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
These boards would benefit from an IRC channel since people want to chat mostly.
It's kinda of on topic since it pretty much start with SOE closing VG for Pantheon... As Brad said if it doesn't get funded he would look at Publishers which would be SOE and we think Smed is not going to be able to bail him out with the trouble brewing at Sony...(and I pretty sure if it can't play on the PS4 its going to be history)


It's kinda of on topic since it pretty much start with SOE closing VG for Pantheon... As Brad said if it doesn't get funded he would look at Publishers which would be SOE and we think Smed is not going to be able to bail him out with the trouble brewing at Sony...(and I pretty sure if it can't play on the PS4 its going to be history)
SOE is not going to take a risk on Pantheon. They have all their resources tied up in a venture called Everquest Next. Any excess capital beyond that is being called back to Tokyo.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
SOE is not going to take a risk on Pantheon. They have all their resources tied up in a venture called Everquest Next. Any excess capital beyond that is being called back to Tokyo.
Shit I thought they were swimming in cash over making money hats and shit. Slightly off topic wasn't Brad just extolling the vitrues of vg and that people should play it if they want to get a good feel about his new MMO..Like some kind of 7 year old tech demo


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
These boards would benefit from an IRC channel since people want to chat mostly.
Used to have a good time in the fohss IRC. Always dicking around in games together, trolling SS threads, fucking with people. Doubt I'd have time for it anymore, but if try to get in there when I could, good time waster.


Elisha Dushku
Now is the time to pull the kickstarter. Fix things up and then bring it back: with all classes, a complete dungeon fly through and complete details on combat and crafting.

Change the name to Wrath of the Fallen. Go for a lower base goal and add more physical swag.

And bring on board one of the soon to be fired producers of one of the fallen games.

And get rid of the silly rift like lore.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Now is the time to pull the kickstarter. Fix things up and then bring it back: with all classes, a complete dungeon fly through and complete details on combat and crafting.

Change the name to Wrath of the Fallen. Go for a lower base goal and add more physical swag.

And bring on board one of the soon to be fired producers of one of the fallen games.

And get rid of the silly rift like lore.
I would start at putting forth more effort then I did passing my english class in college...


Elisha Dushku
Funny I hate Rift's lore, but I actually like Pantheon's.
I don't like the you were a hero bs. Why not just start as a regular Joe? And the PoP Planescape aspect is unnecessary as well. Start in a new fantasy world is enough for now.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Funny I hate Rift's lore, but I actually like Pantheon's.
I am genuinely curious as to how and why, and I don't mean that in a condescending way, but how can you like pretty much non-existent lore? If I am missing something please fill me in on the rich history of Pantheon.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Now is the time to pull the kickstarter. Fix things up and then bring it back: with all classes, a complete dungeon fly through and complete details on combat and crafting.

Change the name to Wrath of the Fallen. Go for a lower base goal and add more physical swag.

And bring on board one of the soon to be fired producers of one of the fallen games.

And get rid of the silly rift like lore.
Back when I played MTG one of the most important things in high level play was knowing when to take a mulligan. Some guys just hated doing it and dropped matches as a result.

Take the Mulligan Brad.. Don't be a newb, Your current KS has about 0.2% shot at being funded, the PantheonReloaded will have skeptics and and strong chance of failure but it's your best shot at success.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I am genuinely curious as to how and why, and I don't mean that in a condescending way, but how can you like pretty much non-existent lore? If I am missing something please fill me in on the rich history of Pantheon.
You can like the broad strokes of a narrative without knowing how fine the hair is on Nexus' goddess ass.

I am not a huge fan of it as it is but that doesn't mean that constructing it this way isn't part of the overall theme for what they want to do in the game.


I am genuinely curious as to how and why, and I don't mean that in a condescending way, but how can you like pretty much non-existent lore? If I am missing something please fill me in on the rich history of Pantheon.
We already know in Pantheon there are more then 2 factions, multiple factions. Rift consisted of 2 factions, two dumb factions based on reality (science vs. religion). Brad has already said that factions play an important part of Pantheon's story, I don't even remember if factions were important in Rift at all.


Whew , another day of catching up on 20+ pages and the VG drama mixed in.

So to jump in on the conspiracy/timing theories , I've never bought into SOE would end up buying into the Pantheon after the KS , but even if they did I really wouldn't care. If a game I enjoy gets made and is funded by Iranian slush funds as long as it helps the game it doesn't bother me.

While I'm not much of a conspiracy guy I have to admit this thought has occurred to me. And it really hinges on does Brad have any friends high up left at SOE who would tell him off the record that this was coming for VG. If he does , I think it is possible he might get more of a bump from the SOE backlash than the negative of the association with a "failed" game. Between those left playing Vanguard , and the SOE backlash/hatred, there will be some who decide backing the KS now is a "protest" in some way to SOE's decision.

Not that I think SOE would see it that way or care a bit , I just don't think it's completely far fetched that Brad had an inkling of this happening sometime this month and thus decided to launch the KS hoping to grab some of that. And yes , I'm reaching for any excuse I can for the decision to launch the KS in the shape it's in.

So my usually daily catch-up question as I always come here first before looking at the KS site , please tell me there are more actual screenshots up like the two landscape shots from a couple days ago and not an update that Crusaders will use swords for todays update ?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So my usually daily catch-up question as I always come here first before looking at the KS site , please tell me there are more actual screenshots up like the two landscape shots from a couple days ago and not an update that Crusaders will use swords for todays update ?
Crusaders Get to dual wield fucking Shields bro can you believe that fucking shields..I'm sure you can see my boner from space...