Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


<Gold Donor>
But they need to show more than napkin scribbles. SoA was well along its way to having an alpha even before KS.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is there precedent for a KS to fail but then a private website is able to raise millions? I think if it fails we come back to the same issue, number of backers. There is already just a small group willing to back this through KS. Logic tells you that a certain percentage of even that group will walk if it fails. But on the flip side, I can see the rational of just trying to get any funds to at least get started and then put some sort if prototype together.

The bad part of all this is isn't the money to me. It's the number if backers. That is a really low number. Blame the ks, blame brad, etc., the reality is there may be a decent interest in a game t like this, but this project has failed to prove that. This team has learned the hard way that it takes more than name power and blowing smoke up the ass to successfully fund a ks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
But they need to show more than napkin scribbles. SoA was well along its way to having an alpha even before KS.
SoA dumped more time and money into the KS prior to launch.. I think that is the biggest difference between pantheon and the other 3-4 successful KS games people keep bringing up.. Pantheon chose to go in too early and it's hurt them the whole time. As for the crowd fund. Yea, I think the majority of the people who pledged would go pledge there. Some probably not as much, but they'll pledge. That won't get them a ton of money tho, so that money will have to go 100% into making the game. Another KS isn't out of the question, they just need to have more content. The bar has already been set by other games like SoA and CU.. A bar they must not of noticed this time around. They can't come back till they've met or surpassed that bar or it would stumble along again. At some point, they are going to need a big investment by someone.. Ideally now.. I want this team and game to succeed but we also need standards for mmos.. Pantheon at this point, has not met a lot of people's standards.

I know people have ragged on them, rightfully so.. But this reality check is probably the best thing that could of happen. They can't afford to not bring their A game going forward. They were ks noobs a few weeks ago, not anymore.. They realize that the player base is cautiously optimistic with this project and it's going to take a game to earn their money. Again, standards at play here.. The team hasn't met them yet, so they need to get busy.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Shroud of the Avatarhas over three million raised at the six-month point. Just looking at that, it's not ridiculous to see them bring in plenty of money via their website.
but shroud had a product and actual website. pantheon has like an angelfire site with animated gifs of torches and a paypal link directly to brad's wallet. the fact that setting that up, versus of any other things, is the teams self declared preicipal task for the next two weeks is among he most ridiculous things, among many, they've done or said thus far.


Potato del Grande
Didn't even finish reading. What's the point, at this point?

Maybe someone else with a bit deeper pockets to start and with some mind for a good presentation and sense for business will see there's an opportunity for this style game, if only presented right. Because teasing out a few paragraph blurb on a race that's a distant stretch goal I don't even think the fanboys think will be met anytime soon? Really?


Maybe someone else with a bit deeper pockets to start and with some mind for a good presentation and sense for business will see there's an opportunity for this style game, if only presented right.Because teasing out a few paragraph blurb on a race that's a distant stretch goal I don't even think the fanboys think will be met anytime soon? Really?
That's pretty much what us naysayers have been saying. Less generic high level design or maps, and more concrete timelines, information, and alpha planning. This project needs a Scott Hartsman running it. Garriott and Jacobs are more Hartsman-like, which is why I personally will give them the benefit of the doubt, although I still getting irked at the concept of KSing a guy who just spent 30 million to go into space.

Anyways, You want my 50 bucks? You better not have 2017 the date I get to actually see your product.




Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
halflings, the crafting race. where both the race and the mechanic around which their lives revolve are multimillion dollar stretch goals. solid update.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
What's the most amazing isn't their lack of presence recently, and it surely isn't the 2 blurb napkin scribble about a race they want a couple million to think about making. In a way it's kind of impressive the giant set of balls on these guys and the big middle finger they are waving at all their fans. Fuck you I'm Brad McQuaid give me money, I don't need a design doc, I don't need a timeline, I don't need a business plan, I don't need concept art, all I need it my brilliant fucking ideas and maybe one or two screens from something I had done 10 years ago and a stock photo from unity and these retarded fuckers will give me cash, the sad fact of the matter is he was fucking right they will and have, the only bad part for him was how much he asked for, but he could have easily suckered you guys out of a half million.

The truly amazing thing is some of you guys actually want to bypass the failed kickstater and just funnel the funds directly up Brad's nose through his website. That's beyond blind optimism at that point that's some new level of fucking fan boy shit that I just didn't expect from people at this forum.

The more we see Brad work and his management style the more apparent EQ was a fluke, 90% of things I hear them talk about like feign death pulling to split mobs wasn't even something they intended or coded it was the players who made figured out ways to make that happen yet they talk about it like they did it on purpose. Brad liked muds wanted to add graphics to them, his genius begins and ends with that, because everything he has attempted since has been a fucking train wreck just like this Kickstarter. Only disappointing part is no matter whats happens some of you guys would follow this guy until the end.


halflings, the crafting race. where both the race and the mechanic around which their lives revolve are multimillion dollar stretch goals. solid update.
Yeah, wtf... I mean, I had still pledged $35, but there's no way it's going to reach even the $800k goal -- which doesn't seem nearly enough to design a proper MMORPG.


Yeah, wtf... I mean, I had still pledged $35, but there's no way it's going to reach even the $800k goal -- which doesn't seem nearly enough to design a proper MMORPG.
Youre probably right on missing that goalpost, but the kickstarter is only a portion of the game's funding.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think they just plan to release all the info for the classes/races in the stretch goals. Guess they figured it was better to release than not..

Yes, Booze.. some of us think they can make a MMO.


<Gold Donor>
In that update: "The Halfing is currently a stretch goal."

Yet it receives the same presentation as everything else they've "introduced."

Really just goes to show how completely full of shit they are if a pie in the sky stretch goal is receiving the same treatment as content that is considered core to the game. It's been said thousands of times already, but they really have no idea what they are doing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In that update: "The Halfing is currently a stretch goal."

Yet it receives the same presentation as everything else they've "introduced."

Really just goes to show how completely full of shit they are if a pie in the sky stretch goal is receiving the same treatment as content that is considered core to the game. It's been said thousands of times already, but they really have no idea what they are doing.
I'm confused by that logic? The plan is to get the stretch goals into the game at some point, no matter what.. So why would they do the write up differently? They are obviously dropping the rest of the info in hopes it generates a little more support for the KS.


<Gold Donor>
Then it's not really a stretch goal. These guys don't understand Kickstarter. The way it's presented is totally disingenuous. Having stretch goals kind of implies that the stuff that isn't part of them is included in the base funding goal. But that's not the case with Pantheon. Everything is a stretch goal, because they've stated that 800k will not make the game. It's just a confusing mess. Anyway, I'll shut up now. I pulled my pledge a while back, but seeing them continue to flail about and make foolish mistakes is just sad.

I like Brad and want to see him make another game, but this project has just been a bunch of shit.