So reviewing the Shroud of the Avatar site and crowdsourcing concept have lead me to the conclusion that had someone competently managed the project, Brad & Co., could have delivered a MMORPG with much less than 8 million.
Google Drive
The link is to SotA art crowdsourcing document - basically they hand out $10 for accepted art which probably works out to $1.00 - $2.00/hour to the Artist (and of course no additional $$ for benefits or equipment or etc) this would have let the hypothetical art team focus on critical things like combat animation and saved a ton.
Not only could Brad have crowdsourced Art for Pantheon, if his hypothetical developer team had taken some hypothetical time to write scripting tools (like Neverwinter RPG) they could have crowdsourced hundreds of minor quests letting the hypothetical design team focus on key quests like: epics and dungeon-based boss quests and etc and saved more than a ton (as for those crowdsourced quests they probably could have gotten away with just handing out a "Support Dev" title in the game's final credits -_- ).
However, my point is not to bury Brad, but to praise crowd sourcing. VR may have fallen into the pit of bad social media ideas, but I think now crowd sourcing an EQ/VG clone can work - provided one of two things happen: a small core team of unknowns delivers a proto-alpha that can raise additional money/awareness on KS and then opens itself up to crowdsourcing or some other MMO named, besides Brad (though to be honest very few people come to mind as having enough old school MMOer mindshare to bring the boys to the yard - another reason why Brad's screwup with this KS is so annoying) needs to release a back of the napkin-only kickstarter just like VR, except with much prettier napkins, exuberant proto-devs and a much lower KS total.