Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Nobody is hoping is hard as me that Brad succeeds. I can imagine now. Brad drops Pantheon to rave reviews, it truly is EQ for the modern Era, the best MMO in a decade. People fall to their knees in his presence, prostrate themselves before the prophesied returned king of online gaming. Pilgrims from far and wide bring bearing gifts of oxys and patreon donations. The King himself comes riding back to rerolled on his golden unicorn, shit talking nerds left and right for doubting him. Utnayan's eyes melt from his skull upon sight of the glorious king. Convo is seated at the right hand of the King for his faith and loyalty. Soygen gets his dollar back. All is right in the world.

See you guys in 2035!


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Really though I wish Brad would go on a drugged up dirtbike vision quest and decide to rip off old D&D, Textbased Mud's, and his own Everquest and instead of making this pile of shit make the real Everquest successor by moving it to a new media and embrace Virtual Reality shit by the time these hacks cobble this together in 2035 as Dr. Mario says we should all have our new googles.


Golden Squire
To Brad's credit, he hasn't done something publicly really stupid in like, a year or two now, has he? I can't remember the timeline on exactly when things happened, but after the firing or whatever of the fuzzy troll cult, things have been pretty steady and drama-free from their camp.

The only thing I really have to complain about is the radio silence for a year after promises of regular updates, with only a website overhaul in there with a new screenshot or two buried in it.


Got something right about marriage
You know you're a fuck-up when the best thing people can say about you is "Well to his credit, he hasn't done anything stupid in about a year"


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
At this point anyone that thinks EQ wasn't a lucky shot, well..

Maybe it was partially luck and partially the time, but that's it. Its not coming back.

It was not the result of excellent design.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think blizzard would beg to differ. I mean come on, they took an already popular IP, replicated EQ and made shit easier via instancing etc.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
In the comments:



Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Every time I see mozz sticks on a menu or the drive through board I think of him now. I hope it never goes away.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I think blizzard would beg to differ. I mean come on, they took an already popular IP, replicated EQ and made shit easier via instancing etc.
WoW is not an eq replica, it didn't make it big because of the elements they copied from EQ

instances are a good example of how blizzard took the completely opposite approach on certain aspects of design

what you perceive as "making shit easier" is in fact "ensuring game appeals to a wide audience", EQ never appealed to a wide audience, WoW was designed with that as one of the main goals

pls don't say they replicated EQ in WoW, thats terrible


<Gold Donor>
WoW is not an eq replica, it didn't make it big because of the elements they copied from EQ

instances are a good example of how blizzard took the completely opposite approach on certain aspects of design

what you perceive as "making shit easier" is in fact "ensuring game appeals to a wide audience", EQ never appealed to a wide audience, WoW was designed with that as one of the main goals

pls don't say they replicated EQ in WoW, thats terrible
It wasn't a 1:1 replica, but the formula was definitely copied. Shit, their two prolific WoW designers were old EQ raiders. They even stole one form this community, or former FOH community to be more accurate, remember? One thing that blizzard always has done is copy shit, makes it better, makes it more fun, slap some blizzard paint on it, and releases it. Nothing ever was original Blizzard idea. It was always "Hey, here is a good idea, lets make it better." And realistically WoW was just as much an accidental anomaly in the gaming world as was EQ back in its day.


Trump's Staff
WoW is not an eq replica, it didn't make it big because of the elements they copied from EQ

instances are a good example of how blizzard took the completely opposite approach on certain aspects of design

what you perceive as "making shit easier" is in fact "ensuring game appeals to a wide audience", EQ never appealed to a wide audience, WoW was designed with that as one of the main goals

pls don't say they replicated EQ in WoW, thats terrible
Uhhhh saying Blizzard 'replicated' EQ might be inaccurate, but they absolutely modelled WoW after EverQuest and refined it. I'm pretty sure I remember videos of them discussing it- they even hired the two most well known EQ players to work for them. Hell, aside from linear quest-based levelling and hard coded factions, when WoW released in 2005 the two games weren't much different at all. Instances already existed in EQ at this point, but weren't widely used.

That's kinda what Blizzard does if you haven't noticed. They may make great games, but they have never come up with an original concept that I can remember. They find an example of a budding genre that is gaining popularity based on a primitive product, refine the fuck out of it and polish it to a shine, then make a billion dollars. I'm surprised they haven't done a DayZ clone yet, but it may be too late.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It wasn't a 1:1 replica, but the formula was definitely copied. Shit, their two prolific WoW designers were old EQ raiders. They even stole one form this community, or former FOH community to be more accurate, remember? One thing that blizzard always has done is copy shit, makes it better, makes it more fun, slap some blizzard paint on it, and releases it. Nothing ever was original Blizzard idea. It was always "Hey, here is a good idea, lets make it better." And realistically WoW was just as much an accidental anomaly in the gaming world as was EQ back in its day.
No need to reinvent the wheel. WoW was influenced by EQ, EQ was influenced by Meridian 59, Meridian 59 was influenced by text-based MUDs (among other things), MUDS were influenced by pnp DnD, pnp DnD was influenced by the world that Tolkien created. Tolkien... well, I think you could argue he may be the closest thing we have to an originator. I'm sure he was influenced by plenty (from traditional fairy tales to Norse legends), but he took a little bit of scattered lore and created a pretty robust universe.

Anyway, unless you go back to Tolkien, pretty much everyone has been copying everyone else forever.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
If Blizz could do a right proper DayZ clone, I'd be all boners.

I hear DayZ isn't even good at DayZ anymore. Can anyone confirm it's current state?


Trump's Staff
If Blizz could do a right proper DayZ clone, I'd be all boners.

I hear DayZ isn't even good at DayZ anymore. Can anyone confirm it's current state?
I'm not into the whole Survival genre - too much time commitment for my current lifestyle. But from what I hear, people are digging on Ark right now.


<Gold Donor>
If Blizz could do a right proper DayZ clone, I'd be all boners.

I hear DayZ isn't even good at DayZ anymore. Can anyone confirm it's current state?
I always thought that this was going to be the next big thing in gaming. Zombie survival type games with building and PvP thrown in. Too bad that a good company did not get in on the action. Instead we got some arma 3 mod guys and Smedley, lol.