Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
The reason the little details are missing from a lot of games is because they cost money. I wholeheartedly agree that the little details make (or break) games. I don't see Brad as the kind of developer that would say, "We need to delay the launch 6 more months to add the 'little details' so everyone can experience The Vision."

(Yes, I'm still bitter about Vanguard.)
I don't agree that EQ or vanguard didn't have little details at all..

2 quick examples 1. VG Different styles of clothes / armors per continent... this gives a real world feel. That there are actually cultures and inhabitants of the game world. 2. EQ - zones that were different at night than at daytime.

That said, your opening statement is spot on. MMO's today and most games for that matter are like McDonalds hamburgers... they want to make them as cheap as possible and cater to the largest market possible.

That inevitably results same, samey and samer vanilla gameplay.


About hacking: Is it really a huge problem that affects the playerbase? Honest question, not rhetorical.

I mean in EQ yes someone ghost warping around sucked, especially for the non-instanced stuff. Later it didn't matter much since everything was instanced.

But in modern MMO's....WoW/FFXIV/Rift...was hacking an issue? I should specify that by hacking I mean real hacking. Not gold farming/selling.
Sure, especially when it comes to non-instanced, limited resources, eg: people using bots to purchase plots of land in Archeage. I haven't been following Pantheon too closely, but if there are mobs out in the open world that drop awesome loot, you can bet there will probably be tools written to claim them as soon as they pop.


Golden Knight of the Realm
One of the big issues IMHO: (1) small dev team, (2) niche MMOG, (3) limited instancing.

There is going to be rampant hacking guaranteed and limited support personnel to deal with it.

EQ and VG had Sony money to deal with cheaters. That is not the case here.
You do know that even with money, SOE mostly did not deal with hackers. EQ was hacked to shit forever.

Its as much a competence issue as it is a money issue. For instance, Project1999's spyware antihack was created by what, one person? From what I understand, SOE adapted tech from that emu and still uses it today.

No doubt though, its something they have to address.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sure, especially when it comes to non-instanced, limited resources, eg: people using bots to purchase plots of land in Archeage. I haven't been following Pantheon too closely, but if there are mobs out in the open world that drop awesome loot, you can bet there will probably be tools written to claim them as soon as they pop.
There will be and hacking will be a problem in Pantheon for sure.

I'm just curious if the Pantheon team has any plans for dealing with hacking. Specific plans I mean. Not the vague "We know it's going to be an issue and we are planning to put "things" in place to prevent hacking/catch hackers, etc"


Useless lazy bastard.
We really should considering we are probl. the most active community that does (not) play it, but at least we post a lot about it!

On the other hand..... would anyone even install it?