Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Just curious, wtf does that mean? This community is so damn cringy and polarized its crazy. I see this and gotta ask, huh? For a legitmate explanation?

I know there is this whole sub culture of memes and how they came to be and evolved, and as someone who doesn't have time or really care to follow it am I a normie? Is this a negative thing? I glance at these forums occasionally, like the SJW gamer thread and really think to myself something has been created here that is so detached from real life.

Legit curious
The dude hates that we bust on Pantheon, and he hates the gifs. And he knows we're right: the game is in development hell, and more than likely will never leave development hell.

But he also doesn't have any counterargument besides "nuh uh, you're all wrong!" and "someday it will release, and then you'll all be sorry!" while shaking his liverspotted fist at us in anger. I can just picture him having to pull his oxygen mask down so he can take another swig of the Pantheon koolaid.

So him typing shit like "normie facebook tier gifs" is just another weak-ass attempt to clap back at us for mocking his Precious. That's all he can do, because he has nothing else. Which makes this entire thread even more hilarious, and makes us even more likely to post gifs because it bothers him so much.

  • 8Worf
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They're the kind of stuff cringers at work link in the office communicator. Like, it's cringe and isn't effective in anything but making me, well, cringe at ya.

It's just wow fanboi casualtards flailing about a classic MMO being released. The notion of a game like EQ being released again, and popular, makes them ree big time - for THOUSANDS of message board pages. Whew lol. Wahhhh xp loss on death, we aren't a mythic raiding guild! Hisssssss!

The fall from grace from being a hardcore community for classic MMOs is astounding. Few loyalists and purebloods remain. We see you.
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Triggered Happy
They're the kind of stuff cringers at work link in the office communicator. Like, it's cringe and isn't effective in anything but making me, well, cringe at ya.

It's just wow fanboi casualtards flailing about a classic MMO being released. The notion of a game like EQ being released again, and popular, makes them ree big time - for THOUSANDS of message board pages. Whew lol. Wahhhh xp loss on death, we aren't a mythic raiding guild! Hisssssss!

The fall from grace from being a hardcore community for classic MMOs is astounding. Few loyalists and purebloods remain. We see you.

How is this game going to be popular? The games subreddit has around 20k followers, with around 10-20 viewing it at any given time. Reddit's the most popular place for info on the game online. Everywhere else online people are just kicking the corpse from time to time and stating that it's vaporware/bullshit/ a grift. It's not popular at all, they are haemorrhaging cash and have no investors, it's been an utter failure since inception and should be listed alongside 38 Studios in the guide on how not to build an MMO.

The market for even an exceptionally well done EQ clone is not financially viable. There's simply not enough older players interested and it's not appealing to newer younger players who play far more action paced games. There's not a large enough player market to cover the costs of developing the game or sustaining it.
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The Big Mod
They're the kind of stuff cringers at work link in the office communicator. Like, it's cringe and isn't effective in anything but making me, well, cringe at ya.

It's just wow fanboi casualtards flailing about a classic MMO being released. The notion of a game like EQ being released again, and popular, makes them ree big time - for THOUSANDS of message board pages. Whew lol. Wahhhh xp loss on death, we aren't a mythic raiding guild! Hisssssss!

The fall from grace from being a hardcore community for classic MMOs is astounding. Few loyalists and purebloods remain. We see you.
The irony of calling other people cringers and then using the language “classic MMO purebloods”
  • 1Galaxy Brain
  • 1Worf
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They're the kind of stuff cringers at work link in the office communicator. Like, it's cringe and isn't effective in anything but making me, well, cringe at ya.

It's just wow fanboi casualtards flailing about a classic MMO being released. The notion of a game like EQ being released again, and popular, makes them ree big time - for THOUSANDS of message board pages. Whew lol. Wahhhh xp loss on death, we aren't a mythic raiding guild! Hisssssss!

The fall from grace from being a hardcore community for classic MMOs is astounding. Few loyalists and purebloods remain. We see you.
I hate to break this to you, but this game is an aberration already. This wouldn't fly back in the early 2000s, much less 2022ish.

There is nothing even remotlely exciting that has been shown by this team in regards to game play, graphics, mechanics etc.

Also, Everquest was not a difficult the least. It was time consuming, the entire game boiled down to sitting at a zone line and pulling mobs for weeks on end to level, while watching TV. Raids? The only difficulty involved was having enough people logged in at the same time and hope there were a few clerics in that mix. People go back to the likes of p99 out of nostalgia, nothing else. Even the developers came out and said the majority of all the mechanics that we enjoyed in EQ, were mistakes they couldn't fix and were unintended.

This game won't even have the nostalgia factor going for it. This game won't even appeal to more than a handful of people and at the very least making it a subscription base just means no more than a handful would play it This game is already 15 to 20 years behind the current free mmos out already today.
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The game crowd sourced funding starting with 0$ and barely any employees. The comparisons and expectations you make are ridiculous.

Its continued development is a huge trigger for the people competing in the who's the more casual WoW player contest around here. Stern cringe.

dizzie dizzie "there's not enough interest but many people have donated thousands of dollars to it". Ok chief.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The game crowd sourced funding starting with 0$ and barely any employees. The comparisons and expectations you make are ridiculous.

Its continued development is a huge trigger for the people competing in the who's the more casual WoW player contest around here. Stern cringe.

dizzie dizzie "there's not enough interest but some people have donated thousands of dollars to it". Ok chief.
Chase that Dragon bro. sometimes delusions are hard to break.


In your sicko lil Timmy minds, spamming normie tiers gifs some how prevent the inevitable. Enjoy the Shadowlands delay and your continued monthly donations to Kotick OnlyFans. Cucks.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I never played release WoW. You don't have to have played any particular game to feel highly skeptical about this game's prospects. I mean, the game producer said very recently they had to scrap a bunch of work because it was headed for disaster. That's a lot of lost time.... and since the leaders are the same (minus Brad), I don't know that it bodes well for not heading toward another disaster. "I steered you into an iceberg but I'll get it right the second time!"

Few people probably spend much headspace thinking about this game, unlike you. It is mostly about the gifs and the occasional laugh and eye roll for most people here.

Oh well, time to collect my paid shill check from WoW!
  • 1Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, with every passing year that this is in development, more and better technologies are coming out. Technologies that the team would basically need to start from scratch in most cases to really incorporate. Taking 5-6 years to develop a game is one thing if you are breaking the mold. If you are literally trying to recapture a 20 year old game audience (there hasn't been a "hardcore" game since, unless you are big into PVP which EQ was never big about), you're basically starting to hit those attrition rates where the types of players that would play these games now have families/jobs/etc that won't let them play the type of poopsockery that games like EQ largely require to really get everything out of it. And taking what is likely to be a decade from announcement to get it out the door? Yikes. Forward progress or not, that is an absurd development cycle, intentional or otherwise. Thinking it's a sign that the game is doing well is using some seriously rose-tinted glasses, hah.

I'm sure there's an audience out there and I'm sure they are excited about the game. I'm also sure they remember a vastly different EQ during Live's heyday than most the rest of us do (waiting on shit to spawn, having to hit critical mass to compete with other guilds for stuff, having timezone almost be more important than quality, etc. Sitting on my ass while I wait for people to log in so we could kill bosses that honestly just needed people paying attention at their keyboards for 20-30m at a time. That is what I remember from EQ, aside from the people) outside of the concept of community, which had I the poopsock hours available I might like one of those long term static communities again. But the days of my desiring to log in and wait while a group needed a tank and/or puller in OS, or grinding AAs mindlessly on shrooms, or any of the other incredibly repetitive activities while I was constantly waiting for other people to log in to do the stuff I wanted to do, are looooong gone. The people who fondly remember that stuff probably more closely remember the fact that EQ was almost as much of a chat client as it was a game. And certainly nowhere near as "hard" as people like to make it out. It was largely timezone and number of college kids/independently wealthy nerds you could field to enjoy the endgame. The difficulty was in having a life while trying to do that (before instancing).

I hope it releases, but I think you have to have some pretty thick blinders on to think it's going to be some huge success and the devs aren't going to start making questionable decisions (according to the target audience) if/when they get funding from someone who wants to actually make money on it. Remember Wildstar and being "hard" ? Yeah, game's been offline for awhile now; hard doesn't make money when you aren't the only game in town.

Have they tried to get Notch to fund it for the lulz? Because that's likely the only way you get it out with a 1999 mindset in 2022+; someone with money to burn who doesn't care if it makes money or not.


You realize people are still playing classic EverQuest emu/TLP and not everyone cares about next generation graphics etc. I feel like you guys should lnow that, and probably do, but pretend not to cuz its counter Pantheon hating narrative. It's quite revealing that there is one actually, but why?


<Bronze Donator>
people are still playing classic EverQuest emu/TLP
Yes, they are doing it again and again on new TLP servers, like a swarm of locusts. I bet it's less than 10k players in total, and it's the same players over and over.

It's a "stimming" tool for people on the autism spectrum that want to relive their glory days, or better: would-be glory days. They don't want to move on with new games and concepts (or their life), because they can't compete in newer games (or life). SOE basically monetized Polk High.
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seems like it keeps them getting paid, cant wait till it does for Pantheon

cool! another class's mechanics coming along and being unveiled!


This has uhhh what to do with them launching the same EQ stuff over and over again to make money? For how many years now?

Point is, people love the classic MMO system. This is going to be a new game with that in place. If you think there's some shortage of people who will do level design and textures for their game, go ahead and say it.

The systems are in place and they're cranking the rest out.


<Bronze Donator>
This has uhhh what to do with them launching the same EQ stuff over and over again to make money?
Because that money is drying up. Fast. If it would be so easy to keep a server running they would have kept the Mac EQ client alive. But even Smed had to admit it lost them money.

Point is, people love the classic MMO system.
That must be the reason why the class in the video you linked looks more like WoW gameplay than EQ gameplay. Very classic, much EQ.

If you think there's some shortage of people who will do level design and textures for their game, go ahead and say it.
So you pray for a horde of content creators doing ... it for free, I guess? Without overall art direction? Going for the clown world, I see.

Also, it's not only levels and textures, they need models, animations and boss encounters. I'm pretty sure at this point "old school MMO design" means tank&spank in your mind, but the amount of people finding e.g. Emperor Ssraeshza to be "fun" is pretty limited.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't see any EQ likeness in that video. Hotbars full with abilities? Fuck that I had Flying Kick and Mend when I monk'ed around in EQ.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So tiresome seeing people regard EQ as some sort of bastion of " skill ". I raided bleeding edge content from vanilla up to the GoD expansion up to whatever the raid zones were past Qvic and then guilds started falling apart left and right due to WoW and EQ 2 release.

The only skill required was time. 99% of all raid encounters were 1 tank wall the boss, multiple clerics cast a cheap, and all dps usually just staring at a wall and hitting 1...1...1...1....until it was time to loot. Sitting at staring at a spell book for 3 to 5 mins every solo kill was not skill, it was retarded. However since that was all we knew, it was accepted at the time.

There is no place in today's market place for that shit. Back then it was the unknown, now..every map, drops, boss strats are known 2 weeks prior to going live. The only reason people play EQ today is for nostalgia.
  • 2Truth!
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