Frankly I love the guy and look forward to more updates.
I do feel slightly inferior in the crazy department, but I'm a big boy and don't let jealousy get the best of me. There's some gems in them posts.
Trust me, there is not much difference in crazy, between the rabid fanboys(you) and the crazy bitter haters for w/e reason(mr.sox). Everyone else is just "meh really" and is just laughing at the two sides and the development team in the middle that somehow created both with utter incompetence. How you can get such fanatics on both with such little work to show and very little if anything to inspire the future is crazy. But then again, cults do it all with just words, so maybe a lot of humanity is just stupid.
Just copy this bad boy in as a mini gameI'll drop some sweet cash if they implement hardcore fishing
Super black bass was the first fishing game I’ve played, it was great. None of the ones I’ve played since are even close. Have that dumb song from the overworld boat travel in my head now, interspersed with the random pop of the fish finder.God I loved that one.
There was a great Marlin fishing NES game too.
Super black bass was the first fishing game I’ve played, it was great. None of the ones I’ve played since are even close. Have that dumb song from the overworld boat travel in my head now, interspersed with the random pop of the fish finder.
Lost so many lures back in the day to that fucking mossIt has some real wow factor with the big ones jumping out of the water, and excitement seeing a big shadow and trying to carefully navigate the lure thru lilly pads and brush. Great password system.
Check out that Marlin fishin' game on NES, shit was DEEP.
Good news. They have thought about fishing and how it might work. No word on actually designing and implementing. But they have talked about it.
Furor is finished in the gaming industry. He took a massive dent out of his company's stock price, generated horrific headlines, developed a toxic workplace which produced less/worse content and is a liability for potential future sexual harassment.Whoa! Whoa!
I am not a bitter crazed hater of Pantheon. I am honestly looking forward to it when it launches. I was just upset that they are still using Brad's name on the legal documents, and he has been dead for 2+ years. I personally think it totally disrespectful and shady to do it. Don't you agree? Everyone knows they want to finish the project for Brad and Kurt but at the same time they are in it to make a profit too. Let's be honest here for a second. There is a lot of finger-pointing going on right now and a few members of the Pantheon community are reading these posts. What I have said here is what I say everywhere else. I don't hold back when it comes to my feelings. I am sure they are compiling a word document on me as we speak like other people have done with GIGA on the Ashes Forums. I found GIGA to be honest in his assessment of the situation when it comes to Ashes. He has openly admitted to me he made mistakes in his pursuit of Steven. One of the mods in the Ashes forum even went into the New World chat and openly accused me of being a dick face asshole who sexual harasses women in my spare time after i defended him. I feel your pain, Furor.
Alex, I have always wanted to tell you that you were a great raid leader. You and Jeff made Blizzard's raids great. and I truly hate people who have tried recently to tarnish your image. Your knowledge of game mechanics was amazing, and I honestly wish your future success man. Go talk with Mike, mend the fences, and please get some help. Then, bounce back and showed your critics that you aren't poison anymore. I believe in you. Alex. It would be a shame that if we honestly lost your mind for challenging mechanics and interactive game play.
I wish you would do my podcast with Jeff. I would love hearing about all the great MMO war stories that FOH was involved in EQ. I promise not to bring up your current situation if you don't want too. Btw, I raided with you in Freelance for like three years off and on. I was terrible at emotes as a cleric, but you always had a spot for me in the raid. I appreciated it. Cream always rises to the top; I enjoyed the fact you tried to include everyone in your raids. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Reminder: massive gaming company with revenue already flowing in, alpha/pre-alpha stuff....
While I totally agree with your analysis and I know you was being facetious about the quests in Vanilla WoW, I have to say that I think the reason WoW was so attractive "at the time" was because of how quickly you could advance your character with any effort given to it.Furor is finished in the gaming industry. He took a massive dent out of his company's stock price, generated horrific headlines, developed a toxic workplace which produced less/worse content and is a liability for potential future sexual harassment.
Nobody is going to go "well he's a huge risk but it's worth it, did you see how good those quests in vanilla WoW were?"
He would have to produce his own indie game under a pseudonym and he's never actually successfully created a game (Titan was cancelled), he just produced content in an existing framework which got worse the more seniority he got.
And was Furor responsible for these design decisions?While I totally agree with your analysis and I know you was being facetious about the quests in Vanilla WoW, I have to say that I think the reason WoW was so attractive "at the time" was because of how quickly you could advance your character with any effort given to it.
Now understand that the important part of that statement is the "at the time" part. That does not hold true today, nor did it hold true for the numerous WoW clones that came after it.
What the industry didn't understand (and likely still does not understand) is that part of the reason the WoW formula was so appealing to the MMORPG genre was because of the 4+ years most of us spent prior to it playing EverQuest. Leveling was a chore in EverQuest, but you was rewarded for that partaking in that chore. Camping insanely long camps for stupidly annoying quests was highly rewarding because of the insanely rare rewards/drops you would get. That's why we did it.
When WoW came along, people (myself included) went in to it thinking the reward design of the game would be similar to what we were familiar with... EverQuest. So, leveling relatively fast and easily seemed like a God send because hey there's going to be really rewarding content in the end game... right. Right? There wasn't.
What we found was that the gear in the game was throw-away quality because instead of having that one awesome weapon to strive for, you had hundreds of generally equal weapons that you could get with out even trying. Every other animal you killed pooped out a weapon. It was insanely unrewarding.
TLDR; ... We mistakenly thought that the new MMORPG forumula put forth by vanilla WoW was going to be amazing, and in the end, we realized it was a shallow pile of shit.
But... The industry saw Blizzard make an absolute shit ton of money, and so everybody (even to this fucking day) copied their formula. In reality, the MMORPG industry would have been way better off if WoW had never been made. There would be less people aware of and/or playing the genre, but it would have at least kept to what made the genre fun in the first place; a living breathing virtual world rather than a theme park with a prize booth.
Yeah, and they didn't start taking people's money till they launched a full product in 2004.