Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

That interview is awesome. He didn't pull punches and part of that could have been the lack of advertising for the interview from Pantheon. The broken links, and lack of solid advertising says a lot about where this project is sitting.


Did Brad EVER reply with a solid answer about other leadership besides hIm and His buddy? Also, was there any form of demo leaked to the actual investors in this project so far? Was there enough trust in the community who paid $160,000 to start this?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think it's been Brad and the guy helping with the business plan basically. No demo has been leaked. It definitely exist tho.


Musty Nester
Turns out that Smed was the good cop. Plot twist!

Brad will be lucky to design grass textures for eq4.

This fiasco leads me to wonder how "mutual" him leaving SOE was. Maybe even stalwart, loyal Smedly finally got tired of his horseshit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Something pretty tragic happen IRL for him. not sure what, but he's been gone.

@Vandyn-no, they are not. A lot of people are holding out hope, as Brad has left them with some since he plans to shop the demo.. Apparently there was really an angel investor and he was pretty sure they were going to get funding. Somehow the guy got cold feet. Not sure if that was a direct result of why Brad did what he did today or not.
I dunno, 150k is a lot of money. Some of those people didn't just donate pocket change but hundreds of dollars. If that was you and you've basically been told 'it'll happen when it happens', I'd think you would have a hard time with that, unless you just don't value money. How many times can Brad provide 'hope' for these people and they continue to buy in? They are not getting any return on their investment, unless you count pieces of art and the occasional generic 'in-game' shot of sunken sanctum.


Yeah i think they went too big too fast thinking it was going to be like Star Citizen. When it should be more on the level of project Gorgon with just a few devs working for free in their spare time to actually create a tangible product and not some big budget office and software they cant afford. Just seems delusional on their part


This is great. Fuck the morons in this thread who lead on like this pile of shit ever had a chance. This thread was a joke from the time the other one got rickshawed.

I'd say I told you so but more than just me did that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The saddest part is this was a huge missed opportunity, it's not like there wasn't enough people wanting to play a game like this. People were very excited prior to the KS and were completely shocked to find how poorly the KS page was organized.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dunno, 150k is a lot of money. Some of those people didn't just donate pocket change but hundreds of dollars. If that was you and you've basically been told 'it'll happen when it happens', I'd think you would have a hard time with that, unless you just don't value money. How many times can Brad provide 'hope' for these people and they continue to buy in? They are not getting any return on their investment, unless you count pieces of art and the occasional generic 'in-game' shot of sunken sanctum.
150k that was originally labeled as going to developing the game. In the interview tonight and talking with Salim on the boards tonight a completely different narrative was shown. Brad stated that the money so far has gone towards making this yet to be seen demo, mostly lore was made other than that. Then in the chat room Salim says that the demo was mostly done before kickstarter, that the combat and engine was already in the current state. So where the fuck did the 150k go? Oh that's right... to back pay for all those hard worked months...

Naturally I'm angry and any supporter should be (financially or spiritually). We'll see where it goes from here


Lord Nagafen Raider
On a side rant... One of the worst things that happened during this whole project was the PR. They hired a guy to specifically handle PR and he dropped the ball harder than I've ever seen. I know Ben from EQ and I can say he was completely over his head with this. Coming from Ten Ton Hammer did not equate to doing PR for an MMO, not even close. I know that not all of the blame can fall on his shoulders because the product was absolute shit, but even shit can be sold by a good salesmen. Ben was terrible! On every level the PR was terrible and amateur.

That's it for my rants else I might get myself in trouble heh


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kyndred, I think he was unhappy about not being made community manager.
Just some new info.. The KTAM guys were joking around saying they were community manager and he took that as being real and rage quit lol.. It was just a tongue and cheek comment. They were never promoted to that position.

Lost Ranger_sl

150k that was originally labeled as going to developing the game. In the interview tonight and talking with Salim on the boards tonight a completely different narrative was shown. Brad stated that the money so far has gone towards making this yet to be seen demo, mostly lore was made other than that. Then in the chat room Salim says that the demo was mostly done before kickstarter, that the combat and engine was already in the current state. So where the fuck did the 150k go? Oh that's right... to back pay for all those hard worked months...

Naturally I'm angry and any supporter should be (financially or spiritually). We'll see where it goes from here
It just shows how shady this whole thing is because they can't even get on the same fucking page about what lie to sell the public. Neither of their stories are true.

There was no demo done before the kickstarter. That is a flat out lie. They launched their kickstarter using screenshots with nothing but fucking stock Unity art assets. I'm sure we all remember SLASH! They had no art of their own, and nothing of substance to show the entire god damn month the KS ran. The most they managed to do was toss together some soulless landscape shots that anyone playing with Unity could of tossed together in a weekend. We never saw character models, or monsters in any of those shitastic shots. For a demo to of been "mostly done" they would have had a fuck ton more to show us. At the very least when the KS started to crash and burn they would have busted out their "mostly done" demo to try and save the project. On top of that someone here asked them during the KS (Convo?) if they had anymore to show and they started clearly that they had shown everything they had.

The lying just kills me. I have more integrity in my balls then these assholes have in their entire bodies.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Brad would sell his soul to be back on top again. Or the souls of a couple thousand lucky associate developers would be fine as well. "It's for the greater good guys! Drink the kool-aid and our alien brothers will be back to get us! Drink...shhh, drink"

an accordion_sl

It just shows how shady this whole thing is because they can't even get on the same fucking page about what lie to sell the public. Neither of their stories are true.

There was no demo done before the kickstarter. That is a flat out lie. They launched their kickstarter using screenshots with nothing but fucking stock Unity art assets. I'm sure we all remember SLASH! They had no art of their own, and nothing of substance to show the entire god damn month the KS ran. The most they managed to do was toss together some soulless landscape shots that anyone playing with Unity could of tossed together in a weekend. We never saw character models, or monsters in any of those shitastic shots. For a demo to of been "mostly done" they would of had a fuck ton more to show us. At the very least when the KS started to crash and burn they would of busted out their "mostly done" demo to try and save the project. On top of that someone here asked them during the KS (Convo?) if they had anymore to show and they started clearly that they had shown everything they had.

The lying just kills me. I have more integrity in my balls then these assholes have in their entire bodies.
Holy fuck dude, it's "would have",


Just some new info.. The KTAM guys were joking around saying they were community manager and he took that as being real and rage quit lol.. It was just a tongue and cheek comment. They were never promoted to that position.
The timing seems to indicate otherwise
He disappeared at almost the moment they announced the project was dead. Looks like he wised up and left once he found out he was volunteering his time to a game that will never see the light of day


Listening to that interview tonight. First time I've heard him give an actual value of what he thinks it will cost to make. He said 10-12 million. Just an interesting tidbit.

It's pretty disgusting that they're still accepting donations right now for their "hosting fees". Just seems like stealing at this point.


Potato del Grande
I hope the person in Twitch chat talking about how they just need to get more awareness of the project was going for deadpan humor and not serious.

My guess is Brad doesn't think this is a big setback, so why would his cult be worried?