Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Just tuned into KTAM and this dude is cracking me up. Does he realize this "we" he's talking about making Pantheon a reality is like 30 people? Damn near all the Kickstarter backers are lost to the project. The reason Brad updated the old Kickstarter page is because it sent out to everyone who backed the project and havelongsince forgot about it. Those people aren't coming back, they're going to laugh and wonder what the hell is going on.
You really think there's 30? It can't be that many.


Back in Early March I put a challenge out to the K-TAM Community and supporters that we needed to see much higher numbers on average than we have been receiving to keep K-TAM worth my time and efforts to maintain it.
K-TAM is a 60-80+ an hour a week hobby for me and I am not deriving the pleasure I expect from it. I also operate 2 small businesses and they are starting to suffer and they are what pay my bills. I make nothing from K-TAM nor was that ever my intent. But I need to pay my bills and to do that I need more time away from K-TAM.
Skatch has been great. But he doesn't have the time to do more than he has and honestly there is no one else to help with the day to day management at this time though Rapha has offered she too is very busy with kids, soon work and a husband returing from over seas and the Lore 4.
I had hopped by this time to have a full slate of community staff to help make K-TAM something unique and special. There is still a chance for that, but there may also be a time very soon when I will not have the time to manage the station and equipment as I have been able to do.
This is where you all come in. Help get the word out about K-TAM. If you would like to assist us and help share the load let me or Skatch know. It is volunteer but we do try to show our gratitude and appreciation where we can.
I don't plan on turning the radio off, but the updates and shows maybe fewer and farther between. K-TAM has never been about money. It is about community.
Brad and KTAM dude are perfect for each other. They should start developing a game together.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Brad and KTAM dude are perfect for each other. They should start developing a game together.
Where did you find that quote? Link plz


Apprentice developers funding themselves would be so great.
It's pretty hilarious. All this 'crowdfunding' bullshit, EQN's user-created content, etc. It's all to reduce costs to these companies and selling to you stuff you yourself make for them, for free.

It's the ultimate exploitation.


It's pretty hilarious. All this 'crowdfunding' bullshit, EQN's user-created content, etc. It's all to reduce cost to these companies, and selling to you stuff you yourself make for them, for free.

It's the ultimate exploitation.
I got so much anger when I posted that exact same thing when eq:landmark was announced.


Musty Nester
I got so much anger when I posted that exact same thing when eq:landmark was announced.
I said the exact same thing about EQ:L

But you know man.. it's actually sort of cool. It's crap that they're charging as much as they are. It amounts to a mod community tax.

But you know. At least they have SOMETHING. lol.


it's actually sort of cool.
Anybody who uses their time, their man hours, to make something, give it away for free, only to have itsold back to them?Just holy fuck capitalist exploitation. At the very least, if a modder provides content that is used in live, they should get some discount or remuneration.


Musty Nester
Oh, I agree. It pushes the boundaries of scumfuckery.

But at least it's kinda cool. As opposed to Brad's hollow deliver nothing scumfuckery.


Anybody who uses their time, their man hours, to make something, give it away for free, only to have itsold back to them?Just holy fuck capitalist exploitation. At the very least, if a modder provides content that is used in live, they should get some discount or remuneration.
Haven't companies gotten in some trouble in the past with regard to modding? I would be surprised if there isn't some kind of compensation for people who make popular stuff.


Trakanon Raider
KTAM is killing me. I can't even listen to it this time around. I really think this guy is seeing a little bit of a spike for his site because of the Pantheon following and now he thinks he's a major fan site or something. This is all a joke to most people except for the few that are actually fanatical about Pantheon because it will give them some misguided opportunity to be back in the spotlight. The only thing they are doing at this point is hurting the genre. My hope is that most people do not care about this any long and it will be forgotten. Honestly, I think it is primarily already to that point.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Have only been following the last few days, thread moving to fast, whats the deal with this K-TAM radio?


KTAM is killing me. I can't even listen to it this time around. I really think this guy is seeing a little bit of a spike for his site because of the Pantheon following and now he thinks he's a major fan site or something. This is all a joke to most people except for the few that are actually fanatical about Pantheon because it will give them some misguided opportunity to be back in the spotlight. The only thing they are doing at this point is hurting the genre. My hope is that most people do not care about this any long and it will be forgotten. Honestly, I think it is primarily already to that point.
I don't think many people here will disagree. We are just listening because it's hilarious.