Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Do you have a link to this? I'm not familiar with the story.
I think he was just joking about the media sites not knowing that Brad took $45K on this game, using words like "platformer" instead of MMO to highlight them not knowing what's going on. Unless I read into that all wrong.

It is a story, but yeah, most sites aren't going to dig into it enough to do the reporting. Patrick told me to send him some information and I thought about doing that, but I've got enough shit going on in my life and I'd rather not do his homework for him. Either they look into and write a story, or they don't (they don't). I do think it's worth telling simply for the fact that he did own up to taking the money as a cash advance and gave a figure. But I'm not running a news site and Pantheon is such a tiny endeavor at this point none of those sites probably care to see what's going on.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Plenty of gaming sites have covered other instances where smaller scale crowdfunded games have not been delivered. End of story.
I'm starting to think that you're hopeless and no amount of explanation by any number of people is going to help.

The fact that they've already had multiple stories on Pantheon already is going to hurt not hinder this - they're going to want something substantial (in gaming terms) not"bunch of internet dramas + gamers in a tizzy". Best case scenario is if it reaches such critical mass that they can't ignore it, but that's a tossup. Or they'll want something concrete, like a press release from KS or charges filed or ANYTHING so that they can "report" on that without having to risk looking like someone stepping up to bash the Brad pinata or to peddle backroom internet gossip. I wouldn't be surprised if they write articles in a few days to a week from now after seeing if more information shakes out (assuming more does) but I'm having a really hard time understanding what you're having a problem with here. It wasn't like Brad's pill problems were front-page gaming news either, even though it was widely discussed on forums and smaller sites.

Anyways, has anyone done a Brad + Scumbag Steve mashup yet? Seems like it's begging for it.


Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I was agreeing with the post until it occurred to me. Brad McQuaid. His name alone should carry the story for a little while.
Outside of our little circle here that name is not nearly as relevant as most think it is.

Edit: Difference to that guy getting sued is that his Kickstarter was a success and he didnt deliver. That is, Kickstarter is a big thing and something related to that is worth a news post that isnt paid for by a publisher. Pantheon/Brad isnt worth a news post really.


I think insanity wolf works just as well:
Also he admitted it was in fact 5 months when someone questioned why he should be making 180k a year on a project that has netted 175k in crowdfunding. Pantheon's next stretch goal is to pay for another 5 months of Brad.


Also, I bet there are way more people in this thread that didn't donate than did. I was one of the first ones flying the Pantheon banner and they didn't get shit from me.


Well since the KS failed I technically didn't donate anything. I sure as hell was not gonna pay anything on that site. When Silius said no Necro planned I all but stopped following this game entirely. Looks like none of these classes/races are going to see the light of day.


Even if I was Brad's biggest fanboi I wouldn't donate to a kickstarter. Kickstarter is a scam, pure and simple and in the case of gaming its even worse because of the high hopes and low IQ's of the average gamer. These guys aren't selling games though, they are selling you the fantasy in your head and guess what, that will never exist. Its really no different than Church selling miracles.


Well I supposed it's all a moot point now. I doubt there are enough people left that know enough network code, Unity, etc to get this built on a volunteer basis. I wouldn't say its impossible as other's have pointed out, VG was built primarily by interns with little to know expirience coding MMOs. But I agree with most that we can pretty much hang this one up.

No one is going to want to work on this project seeing how Brad handled the money. I feel for the other devs that were on this but I have to admit Silius is comming off as a butthurt highschooler. Im sure there are many sides to the story. Brad admitted to taking $45k. Whether or not that amount is accurate really doesn't matter. The fact is he took a good chunk of money which hurt the start-up. No point in repeating what other's have said about it, I pretty much agree. Brad and anyone working for him should have done this pro-bono in their spare time if necessary to get it off the ground.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What I would like to see is someone that embraces the ideas behind pantheon but who isn't brad. There is definitely a sizable untapped market in that realm


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I watched a few min of this twitch the other day...I'll say this, you programmer/developer/artist/coder types must have a ton of patience.

I couldn't stand working on the same thing for hours on end. (Hence why I suck on a simple game like Landmark)