Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Brads looking rough


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone that isn't on the side of "McQuaid was lucky as shit", "Glad he made the game", also "Glad he fucked up everything so players could have emergent game play come out of a shitload of mistakes which turned out to be awesome because of the players" is an idiot. Anyone here that thinks McQuaid planned any of that should stop posting opinions unless they are trolling for shits and giggles. I can assure you McQuaid is clueless and not a magical designer, nor was he ever. He can be credited with bringing AD&D (From what I heard he even stole the lore ideas from passed GM's he used to play D&D with) and getting it out there in graphical form in an open world. Everything else was shit we (players) all thought up to get around bad/limited design decisions because the engine was a tank simulator without a Z-Axis.
I don't see anyone actually arguing that brad was the patron saint of MMOs (on RR at least..). After this shit I am glad he is finished in the industry.

EQ did at least provide a world where that "emergent gameplay" was possible. Something modern MMOs avoid like the plague. Even if some of those features/gameplay were accidents I don't see why some devs don't try to incorporate them in modern games.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
^^ I completely agree with you. Just give credit to McQuaid where he deserves it. Which we can send to him on a Plaque from rerolled: "Thanks for turning a DikuMUD into a graphical experience, and letting the players make the game play mechanics from you not having a fucking clue as to how to design a game. Now, go away and never touch this industry again. You are a scam artist. Kindly take some of your friends with you"


Time for new meat. Rerolled, kick their asses.
After this post, I wont say anything more about it because it's not that big of a deal and most of the members won't understand anyway. I am not suggesting holding back and not "kicking asses." I am just saying to avoid putting links to rerolled when you do it. More pointedly, sites like this are dangerous for folks that work in or around the gaming industry. If a HR person at a gaming studio, or a executive VP somewhere, sees the post and sees some of the content here (SS forum?), it could be GG for those that work there just because the board is not really worth the risk of causing drama. That would suck not only for those people, but also for the community to lose those people. That was the reason behind my post. Nothing more.


Potato del Grande
Rerolled is the epicenter of much of the hype, news, and skepticism for Pantheon. It's going to point back here because that's where it's natural to point on this, not because members are somehow dropping Rerolled as if it matters that much in the grand scheme of things. Some nobody article writer on a no-news gaming website cited one of hundreds of message forums as a source, basically, woopty fucking do. It's not creating any more drama than even having this thread here for discussion. As long as the drama is truthful and justified, I don't see the problem.

I mean, drama? On Rerolled? This message board, and FoH before it, wouldn't have even existed without drama.



After this post, I wont say anything more about it because it's not that big of a deal and most of the members won't understand anyway. I am not suggesting holding back and not "kicking asses." I am just saying to avoid putting links to rerolled when you do it. More pointedly, sites like this are dangerous for folks that work in or around the gaming industry. If a HR person at a gaming studio, or a executive VP somewhere, sees the post and sees some of the content here (SS forum?), it could be GG for those that work there just because the board is not really worth the risk of causing drama. That would suck not only for those people, but also for the community to lose those people. That was the reason behind my post. Nothing more.
Who gives a fuck what you think. Brad McQuaid is a pariah to gaming and the quicker his name is soiled by his *own* actions the better. Rerolled should be proud for having some minor part in shedding light on the shadiest sleeze in the industry.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
A fantasy themed DayZ will be the next level. I'm going to bring my The Vision to market before Quaid does his.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I can't believe all you Rerolled Haters caused what could of been the most epic game in our lifetime to go belly up. It's all the fault of each and every one of you. Brad told me so. By the way when we rickshaw this thread to match the other can we also end it with a guy shooting himself in the dick.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
After this post, I wont say anything more about it because it's not that big of a deal and most of the members won't understand anyway. I am not suggesting holding back and not "kicking asses." I am just saying to avoid putting links to rerolled when you do it. More pointedly, sites like this are dangerous for folks that work in or around the gaming industry. If a HR person at a gaming studio, or a executive VP somewhere, sees the post and sees some of the content here (SS forum?), it could be GG for those that work there just because the board is not really worth the risk of causing drama. That would suck not only for those people, but also for the community to lose those people. That was the reason behind my post. Nothing more.
Ok I understand. For a personal use stand point while someone in the industry is at work. Correct? Unfortunately, a lot of what known designers post here is too high level and controlled to matter anyway. If they were allowed to be more transparent and not held back by management (people like McQuaid) it would have a lot more value for the forum and I would heavily agree with you.

Unfortunately what we see here from a lot of these folks (Aside from a select few) is a lot of lip service to promote their name/IP and to shill for funding / Money Hand outs.

I, along with probably everyone here, wishes this were different.


Trakanon Raider
The industry, at least in its current state, has just so much mediocrity in media and even though its rolled out in small chunks the industry/genre is a mess. If you are looking for the next big thing it will be Titan, EQNext, or something completely out of left field like EverJane. In the meantime, i'm sure we will have a steady flow of 30 day MMO experiences. Maybe one of these old guys can bring something worth while but honestly, I'm not sure that they produce anything that will anymore effective than Project1999. EQ or whatever your first experience may have been was just that, your first love (experience) and until someone can create something new and fresh with the genre, it will only be a reflection of what once was...

I want EQ 1999 again as much of the next person but I honestly think it wouldn't last more than a few months before I got my feel of nostalgia. I would probably pop in and out to see and hear moments that were dear to me but it is time for new blood and fresh meat to bring this genre something that makes us look forward to logging on the next day and make it challenging to even log off.


How dare anyone try to get a reporter to properly report on someone pocketing more than $35,000 of crowdfunded money as advance pay. Bunch of bitches, you should be grateful he peeled out on $100 bills in the Ferrari he didn't sell.