Interview talks about what to expect for next season among other things.
Will you pick up right where season one left off or time jump? Will you follow Xavier’s journey out into the world to find his wife? And, how are you going to split time between the outside world and the bunker in season two?
FOGELMAN All good questions. We are going to pretty much be picking up in real time. We’re going to live in both worlds. There is going to be a little bit of a start where we go on a journey with Xavier. A very exciting, emotional, big journey, and then we will also be living in our downstairs world of the bunker, and forces will eventually be colliding. That’s basically the plan.
Is this the end for President Bradford now that his murder is solved, or will we continue to see James Marsden in flashbacks?
FOGELMAN James has been pitching me “zombie Cal Bradford,” which we’re not going to do. (
Laughs) We
killed two characters this season where we loved the characters, and obviously loved the actors, and James is amazing and a big part of it all. I’ve done this before on other shows; what we won’t do and what you can’t do is change your story just to accommodate because you like somebody. Because if the story’s not going in that direction, it just gets worse. But will there be opportunities in real ways to do meaty stuff? I think there is going to be, yes, because it’s going to fit inside of our story.
We have a really giant three-season story coming that’s bigger than what people think it is right now, and it’s going to span a couple of genres. The show was set up and sold as a political thriller about solving the murder of an assassinated president, and
by the end of the first episode, you saw that it was something else and it went into a different genre. The second season is going to do the same thing to the first season. It expands upon itself. We have a plan and, hopefully, by the end of all three seasons, people will feel like they’ve been served a complete meal and that it’s all one piece, even though they went through a lot of different journeys to get to the end.
Dan Fogelman and Julianne Nicholson reveal Sinatra's fate, talk Xavier's mission and explain how the whodunnit was all in service of a second season that will change the trajectory of Hulu's post-apocalyptic drama.