- 3,387
- 2,218
Because apparently my wife said he got a handful and I gave him a dad handful which was like 2308. But she meant a kid handful which is for some reason 12Why 12?
Has anyone run across blippi videos? Kid loves to see train videos on YouTube and this blippi came up and the kid just loves everything blippi now.
Anyways, the point is while we were really worried early on it all worked out.
So, fun one tonight.
I'm cooking dinner when my son (8) yells "DAAAAAAD!" from the bathroom. I yell back "What?". Silence, I continue cooking for maybe 10 seconds and he screams "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!!!!"
So, I go stomping back in annoyed mode saying "Dude, I said what. You can't scream like that unless something is actually wrong or you are hurt or something. What?" He's standing in front of the toilet just pointing into the bowl.
I walk up thinking maybe there is something in the bowl, an insect or something, but its just his shit floating there. I say "Gross, what?" And he goes "There!" and I lean in and look and start to say "What????" again, when I see this little white worm swim and burrow into his shit. Now, a couple of months ago he had told us that he saw a worm in his poop, but he had flushed it. After talking with him, his story seemed more fantasy made up than real. I was pretty sure he hadn't really seen a worm, and told him if it happened again to let us know, but that it was probably just a piece of toilet paper or something. Apparently I was wrong.
So, I calmly say "You have worms in your poop. Don't worry, let me see what that means." because I don't want to freak him out, but I'm pulling out my phone and googling to see if this is a no big deal OR a run to the ER as fast as you can type thing. I have no experience with worms in shit.
I google "worms in childs poop" and the image search at the top has 3 very different images with 3 very different looking worms. I spot the one in the toilet immediately, and tap the picture. It's a Pinworm. I then google Pinworms and start reading.
Apparently they are basically like Lice for your colon. They are super contagious, and if he has really had this for months, chances are everyone in my house probably has them. They don't really harm you, they are just a pest basically, a gross, gross pest. The treatment is to get some of this Pyrantel-Pamoate stuff and drink a dose. That will kill all the worms in your intestines (Which you will then diarrhea shit out like a horror movie I assume). Next, everything in the house needs to be washed, dried, surfaces scrubbed, etc., again, just like lice, because their eggs are microscopic and they lay thousands of them. How do they get everywhere you ask? Well, apparently, when you are sleeping at night (this is legit I swear), the mother worms come out of your asshole, and lay eggs all over and around your asshole, then they go back in. These get all over any clothes you might be wearing, sheets, etc. These also make your asshole itch, so you scratch it, and now your hands are covered. You wake up in the morning and touch the toilet, you touch the counter, the sink, you wash your hands and dry them. They are god damned everywhere basically.
Anyway, you drink the juice and they die. You super clean your house, every surface and every fiber. You hopefully get most of them... but 2 weeks later you drink the stuff again, because chances are you still had viable eggs on you, or have been exposed from something you missed and have them again, so you kill them before they are mature and laying eggs again.
So, best case scenario is 3 weeks to decontaminate everyone and the house, but I'm thinking I'll do it all a 3rd time at 5 weeks, because gross.
I'm going to go to the pediatrician in the morning just for peace of mind.
On the bright side, my asshole has been super itchy the last few weeks, I was worried I was getting hemorrhoids. Nope, it's cool, just a body full of The Thing. *whew* bullet dodged.
My dad had that I guess before I was born. My mom said she turned on a flash light in the dark and saw the worm come out of his ass
Just think if you were on Naked & Afraid you'd at least be guaranteed calories every time a worm pops out.My dad had that I guess before I was born. My mom said she turned on a flash light in the dark and saw the worm come out of his ass
The sentence "Daddy, I'm pooping" has 5 morphemes...that is quite beyond his age. (look up Brown's morphology). I would dc him now if that would be typical in a language sample. (@ this point, I remind you my degree is in SLP and early childhood was my specialty.)My kid as you remember was a late bloomer with speech. He's been in early intervention for almost a year and he won't qualify again, they've already told us. He's a couple months over 2 years old now and he's just progressed so rapidly.
He says near full sentences and can say basically anything. He can't say ravioli though, and it's hilarious. He says "rav ioyki loli cacky", like his mind just jumbles it.
We actually had a new speech pathologist because we had the other quit the agency. When she came she wasn't sure how advanced he was until he told her the ABCs from memory, all the numbers up to 10, every color and a bunch of shapes (including semi-circle, quadrafoil, pentagon, octagon, hexsgon) and laid out some knowledge on her about the house. She said she'd never seen a 2 year old that knows the alphabet and numbers. And he can spell his name. She was equally surprised that we didn't teach him the alphabet, he taught himself using a toy my mother bought him.
Anyways, the point is while we were really worried early on it all worked out.
On another topic, we've enter almost potty training time. We got him a tiny potty and put it in my bathroom (because he mimics everything dad does). We've been having problems where he won't tell you he crapped his diaper, sometimes leading to bad rashes. He just refuses. That is until we incentivize it with m&Ms. Now he'll tell us when he's pooping or has pooped because he gets 12 m&Ms. Today was the first day he said "Daddy I'm pooping" and started grunting. Then after changing he says "candy please". I know this isn't some mind-blowing thing for any parent, but for a dude that refused to tell us when he shit, it's amazing.
Holy shit, how did I miss that this was your specialty? The wife and I might send you a few questions about our youngest. I could probably send you a better pic than Noodle posted as paymentThe sentence "Daddy, I'm pooping" has 5 morphemes...that is quite beyond his age. (look up Brown's morphology). I would dc him now if that would be typical in a language sample. (@ this point, I remind you my degree is in SLP and early childhood was my specialty.)
Now every time my asshole itches I think "Fuck, it's pinworms."So, fun one tonight.
I'm cooking dinner when my son (8) yells "DAAAAAAD!" from the bathroom. I yell back "What?". Silence, I continue cooking for maybe 10 seconds and he screams "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!!!!"
So, I go stomping back in annoyed mode saying "Dude, I said what. You can't scream like that unless something is actually wrong or you are hurt or something. What?" He's standing in front of the toilet just pointing into the bowl.
I walk up thinking maybe there is something in the bowl, an insect or something, but its just his shit floating there. I say "Gross, what?" And he goes "There!" and I lean in and look and start to say "What????" again, when I see this little white worm swim and burrow into his shit. Now, a couple of months ago he had told us that he saw a worm in his poop, but he had flushed it. After talking with him, his story seemed more fantasy made up than real. I was pretty sure he hadn't really seen a worm, and told him if it happened again to let us know, but that it was probably just a piece of toilet paper or something. Apparently I was wrong.
So, I calmly say "You have worms in your poop. Don't worry, let me see what that means." because I don't want to freak him out, but I'm pulling out my phone and googling to see if this is a no big deal OR a run to the ER as fast as you can type thing. I have no experience with worms in shit.
I google "worms in childs poop" and the image search at the top has 3 very different images with 3 very different looking worms. I spot the one in the toilet immediately, and tap the picture. It's a Pinworm. I then google Pinworms and start reading.
Apparently they are basically like Lice for your colon. They are super contagious, and if he has really had this for months, chances are everyone in my house probably has them. They don't really harm you, they are just a pest basically, a gross, gross pest. The treatment is to get some of this Pyrantel-Pamoate stuff and drink a dose. That will kill all the worms in your intestines (Which you will then diarrhea shit out like a horror movie I assume). Next, everything in the house needs to be washed, dried, surfaces scrubbed, etc., again, just like lice, because their eggs are microscopic and they lay thousands of them. How do they get everywhere you ask? Well, apparently, when you are sleeping at night (this is legit I swear), the mother worms come out of your asshole, and lay eggs all over and around your asshole, then they go back in. These get all over any clothes you might be wearing, sheets, etc. These also make your asshole itch, so you scratch it, and now your hands are covered. You wake up in the morning and touch the toilet, you touch the counter, the sink, you wash your hands and dry them. They are god damned everywhere basically.
Anyway, you drink the juice and they die. You super clean your house, every surface and every fiber. You hopefully get most of them... but 2 weeks later you drink the stuff again, because chances are you still had viable eggs on you, or have been exposed from something you missed and have them again, so you kill them before they are mature and laying eggs again.
So, best case scenario is 3 weeks to decontaminate everyone and the house, but I'm thinking I'll do it all a 3rd time at 5 weeks, because gross.
I'm going to go to the pediatrician in the morning just for peace of mind.
On the bright side, my asshole has been super itchy the last few weeks, I was worried I was getting hemorrhoids. Nope, it's cool, just a body full of The Thing. *whew* bullet dodged.
Now every time my asshole itches I think "Fuck, it's pinworms."
Problem is they get better and start owning you instead.Gets really entertaining when you're playing Battlefield 1 with him; he decides to join the other team, comes looking for you while talking junk and you proceed to kill him five times in a row without dying to him once.
It's probably pretty rare for most people and if you wash your hands regularly I bet the risk is absurdly low. I'm not saying onoes is dirty, just probably really unlucky. Plus kidsSame. Have been checking my poop since that post. Fucking FOH forums.