I'm moving towards exploit development, I've been "learning assembly" for like 2 months. It's a slog. I've learned enough C in the meantime to read it, but I've been slacking on keeping up with vulns coming out. And what a time to slack. On top of that I have a bunch of new tools to learn for the new job.
Also, teaching my kids python and scratch, which sucks because it's really work for me. But whatever, need to get them situated. Bought a book from No Starch last weekend on using python for some minecraft shit, going to let them work on a small server and then build out from there. I've never played minecraft but they love it. I bought my oldest the Kano laptop kit for Christmas and she loves it, it has some similar stuff for teaching basic computer stuff and coding. This is just another level, and also something I can teach her and her sister at the same time.