Now that my kid is in preschool, swimming, and visiting others for playdates he's sick nearly 24/7. It's kind of.miraculous because I was always the guy always sick but these little dudes have hardened my immune system.
That said, we got.a rager coursing through our house now. He's coughing ALL NIGHT LONG. He won't nap, barely eats or drinks, has a fever (but not an insane fever). The worst is his coughing is keeping him up all night. He hasn't slept an hour or two in 3 days, and that means my wife and I haven't either. Got the humidifier going, cycling Tylenol and ibuprofen, Vicks on the chest. It's just nutty.
Somehow, the one year old is not only sleeping through this but he's taken to sleeping in now until 845 (used to be 600). The worst is my life has become catching coughs in my mouth so I'm FUCKED