Horror story from our then 1.5 year old
on the way home from Vienna we stopped at one of the larger Truck stops on the BAB 3, probably Donautal West so we had a good 300km behind us at that point, including a completely pointess 45 minute delay on the border, so it was dinner time. First time we visited a restaurant together
Since the menu had pictures, she pointed out pasta and my wife had something that came with access to the salad bar.
I of course had something manly, some double meat trucker burger with extra bacon. Not important to the story, but needs to be shared nonetheless.
So after a few minutes, my wife gets up and gets her salad bar salad. She comes back with a small bowl - obviously our daughter expects this being hers, filled with pasta. When she realized it was filled with salad, she went in full rage crying mode and it was impossible to calm her down. Not even her spaghetti arriving a few minutes calmed her down. We actually had to take her back the car and gave her a muffin to calm her down.
From this day I've noticed that restaurant waiters take great care to serve small children first. Whatever the children get, that arrives first. So avoid any entrees your child may not like. There'll be hell to pay.