So is it not a big deal that Hosix' son didn't go to a doctor until the next day? Cause I assume if that really rare 'worse than just a concussion' scenario happens, it would be much more dangerous if you weren't immediately seen by a doctor.
Depends on the symptoms. We don't admit everyone with a concussion, no, especially not if no symptoms. If the symptoms manifest later, his kid might have been seent home the first time visit with warning/acto on instructions. In essense, if it's worse than a concussion, there are symptoms - parents can tell if you're lethargic, vomits, unconscious, shuns light, symtoms return after a period of remission, etc etc.
A concussion is bascially the result of over-stretching neurons. It takes time for the tissue to heal. Complications such as bleeding is what we look for as well. Arterial will manifest in minutes, hours. Venous bleeding later. It's extremely rare to have bleeding symptoms past 24h. Treatable both by ICP relief, bore or other brain surgery techniques. It's mostly the effects of the stretching, swelling around the neurons that manifests over hours, betters over weeks. Hopefully no DAI.
TLDR; it's fine to have a doc look when symptoms manifest, even if not seen at initial hit. We're treating a patient, not a clock. Also we don't heal the injury be seeing the pt. We diagnose it, PE including BP+p etc, the rare scan, bloodworks, prescribe pain killers/rest/lean regime, and admit if symptoms/noone to look for pt at home. So the speed of the symptoms as well as the mechanics of the injury, if any, is a good indicator of whether you 'need to be seen by a doc'. Parents usually don't need instructions for this, intuitively know if their kid is neurologically not themselves. I can't say how much of an impact your system of law suits has on the above, but that's the general consensus. I'm fairly certain that EM docs are exempt / semi protected. Otherwise no doc would ever want to see you in the ER. Cheers,
, you really should make some mini-gavs. You have great instincts. I hope it makes sense. Post Leffe brain atm, need to rehydrate.