Parent Thread


Queen Bee
No real experience in why yet. As for no, ignore it. And do NOT ask questions where they can say no even if they have to do it. Like instead of, "do you want to take a bath?" say "it's time for your bath" or "are you ready for dinner?" turns into "it's time to get in your high chair and eat dinner". I've even stopped saying please with things as it sort of sounds like a question that could be said no to. Like instead of "please hand me that (whatever they have that they shouldn't)" I say "you need to give me that". We'll work on pleases and thankyous later, I was losing my mind with all the nos.

As for things that the answer can be no, just don't make a big deal out of it. "Did you like your dinner?" "No." "That's okay, thanks for eating it anyway" "is the water too hot?" "No!!!" calmly say "oh well that's good".

One year olds...


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
16 more days till mine go back to school! They have become a lot easier though now as teenagers compared to elementary school days, but I still prefer the routine during school over summer break


Sixteen days!? I want to live in your state. We don't go back until the second week of September.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Sixteen days!? I want to live in your state. We don't go back until the second week of September.
that is how it was for me growing up, always went back after labor day. Now it's been earlier and earlier, they finished the school year at memorial day weekend which is nice able to get a jump start and do a summer vacation in early June before the crowds really become large


Trakanon Raider
No real experience in why yet. As for no, ignore it. And do NOT ask questions where they can say no even if they have to do it. Like instead of, "do you want to take a bath?" say "it's time for your bath" or "are you ready for dinner?" turns into "it's time to get in your high chair and eat dinner". I've even stopped saying please with things as it sort of sounds like a question that could be said no to. Like instead of "please hand me that (whatever they have that they shouldn't)" I say "you need to give me that". We'll work on pleases and thankyous later, I was losing my mind with all the nos.

As for things that the answer can be no, just don't make a big deal out of it. "Did you like your dinner?" "No." "That's okay, thanks for eating it anyway" "is the water too hot?" "No!!!" calmly say "oh well that's good".

One year olds...
We do the same regarding dinner time etc. No hasn't become a problem as yet, I'm just loosing my mind over the constant Why? Why?
I tried counting with "Why do you think" and he just says "Yes" then thinks about it and asked Why again... really it is funny afterwards when I've had a break but at the time, brain melt down... I haven't yelled or anything just grit my teeth and think of a happy place.


Queen Bee
Is it really funny? This is a safe place. It makes me lose my mind! The other week I actually responded with "why not?" to no and immediately thought what an idiot I was for introducing "why?".

I'm often gritting my teeth, smiling and simultaneously thinking, "you little shit".

Maybe try "I'm not sure" or "let me think about it" and hope they lose interest


Trakanon Raider
Yeah it is funny because I have either to laugh or cry, so I choose to laugh.... afterwards not at the time...
When being asked why, responding with "I'm not sure" doesn't break the cycle.

I tell my wife I'm proud of her all the time, it must be hard being a full time parent and I don't think I could do it!


Is it really funny? This is a safe place. It makes me lose my mind! The other week I actually responded with "why not?" to no and immediately thought what an idiot I was for introducing "why?".

I'm often gritting my teeth, smiling and simultaneously thinking, "you little shit".

Maybe try "I'm not sure" or "let me think about it" and hope they lose interest

I think we're all gritting our teeth thinking you little shit all the time.

My four year old screamed at me for nearly an hour tonight because I wouldn't respond to her screaming. I told her all she had to do was be nice and I would talk to her. Nope. FINALLY she said please, and I helped her out. But an hour? Really?

Kids dude...


<Bronze Donator>
Alright you adults... How the fuuuu do you stop a 3 year old from asking "why"?
He has only just started and I wanna stop it pretty quick.
What have you done?
You do not. Answer the question to or a little above their level, mystify and interest them..... Finish with "that is just the way it is".....if they persist learn most important parenting skill of all......

hehe.... change the subject, distract, engage with something else positive, fun.....
As long as you are doing ok establishing familiar routines for stuff throughout your day(tidying/morning get dressed & breakfast, wash and lunch, tidy and eat supper, bath/story/bed) you can have mini routines to set up the next routine you would like them to head towards.

ie if they are playing atm, but you would like to move to get dressed for a walk up exciting stuff like wolves or fairies outside and looking for them, "I wonder what we will find out there today! omg... its so exciting!" get em interested and excited then help em tidy and encourage to get dressed and go out :)

When confronted with 4-5 year old curiousity I like making up cool sounding fairy tale/fantasy stuff from stories sometimes too, or dramatically talking up some of my answers to make mundane stuff sound more interesting with colourful analogies! lol
Explaining tech stuff is great fun, internet, computers (super tiny brains!) , networking (words flashing over wirse and invisible sekret waves!), electricity (zap zap, dangerous stuff!)....

Basically LET GO and forget whatever you WANTED to do before they asked you the question..... and have fun with answering theirs =)
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A Mod Real Quick
Well just as I expected the dude has 4 molars plus at least between 4-8 other teeth coming in at once. Actually hasn't been too bad, but a few almost sleepless nights.

What's the reason that they get rashes when teeth come in? It seems so weird but he gets one everytime teeth are breaking through.


Well just as I expected the dude has 4 molars plus at least between 4-8 other teeth coming in at once. Actually hasn't been too bad, but a few almost sleepless nights.

What's the reason that they get rashes when teeth come in? It seems so weird but he gets one everytime teeth are breaking through.

Rashes on his face, neck, chest? It's from drool. Extra drool when they're teething can cause rashes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My 3 year old asks tons of questions and I do my very best to answer them. However, sometimes I just tell him I am not sure and he normally walks away to ponder it. The car is the worst though because I can't see what he is pointing at and th at frustrates him.

I am coming up on 1 year as a stay at home dad and sometimes it really does fell like groundhog day. I just received a punch in the gut that my son's day care class that was going to be 3 days a week for 3 hours starting in September was canceled. We are on the waiting list for all the accredited preschools in the area which all have 1 to 2 year wait periods.

What has made it the most difficult for me is the the change to stay at home occurred at the same we moved from Europe back to America after living abroad for 10 years. My wife has a lot of family in the area but I have still not managed to make a single friend in our area. Then when we go to social functions I have almost nothing in common with the guys. I do plan to go back to work when children are in school but for now it's still overwhelming at times.


<Gold Donor>
First summer we left the kids alone when we both work. The wife only works a few days a week, but still. So far so good they are 14 and 12. The house is still there so thats a good thing. A bit of a mess in the kitchen when I get home, like ramen all over the fucking place. But at least we dont have to beg my wifes mom to come and watch them anymore.

We just set up some ground rules, like no friends over, you do not leave the house unless fire, no pool when were gone, do not answer door for anyone, shit like that. PS4, xbone and a couple of gaming PCs have been the best babysitters ever.


All labs matter!
First summer we left the kids alone when we both work. The wife only works a few days a week, but still. So far so good they are 14 and 12. The house is still there so thats a good thing. A bit of a mess in the kitchen when I get home, like ramen all over the fucking place. But at least we dont have to beg my wifes mom to come and watch them anymore.

We just set up some ground rules, like no friends over, you do not leave the house unless fire, no pool when were gone, do not answer door for anyone, shit like that. PS4, xbone and a couple of gaming PCs have been the best babysitters ever.

My two are so far from this...they will be 8 and 10 this year. Ugh....I dream of a summer like that! Childcare during the summer kills me in cost.


Bronze Squire
On the solid foods, we started around 6 months, we'd stick with one type of food at a time and mix it with breastmilk. I want to say the first thing our daughter took too was avacado. I have some friends whose kid is about to turn 1 and is barely starting to try solids. Another situation where every baby is different.

I think a big thing to watch for when introducing solids is their interest in it. If they start getting super curious about the random shit you are shoving in your mouth it is probably time to introduce them. Make sure you eat in front of them so they get curious about what you are doing. If possible, try to have things for meals that you can mash up and let them try if they show an interest in what you are eating.


A Mod Real Quick
The other day my kid was pissed he had to eat chicken nuggets I guess so we gave him his 2nd favorite food along with it which is watermelon (insert racial joke). Basically what happened was he compromised and every other bite was a chicken nugget, but he would chew it extremely fast and try to swallow it whole.

Surprised he isn't dead yet at this rate


Golden Knight of the Realm
My son is almost 2 and we still cook most of his food separately from ours. We eat a lot of spicy food etc that we can't give to him, so it may be a while before we settle in to true family dinners. We're pretty hardass about what he wife puts a lot of time and effort into making healthy stuff for him to eat, and we pretty much never give him junk food. Sometimes he doesn't like it of course, but so far we've been able to hold the line. We try to be loving and supportive, but at the same time we have a united front view that the family is not a democracy. We make the rules, we decide what's for dinner, etc etc. Hopefully being like this from the start will help to stave off refusals and negotiating sessions later, but it remains to be seen.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
So we had our first multi day vacation with the munchkin man. We went up to Littleton, NH for 3 days just to get away and we love the area. The 3 hour trip took 5 hours stopping a couple times and letting him get some energy out. Very little fussing so the extra time was worth it. He didn't really nap on the ride up so I was kind of nervous about the first night but he went to bed about an hour early and slept all night. The next night was easy as well. I think the most fun he had was running around the room like a goddamn maniac slamming cupboards and drawers or turning the hot tub (we splurged for this one :p) water on and off. Much success and fun was had.

And then we get home and find out someone charged $300 to our bank account and had to go into a branch to get it straightened out. As we're leaving and my wife is backing out some asshole comes flying around the corner about 30 yards away through a very narrow street through a very small parking area. Instead of stopping this motherfucker sped up and swerved around us. If he had hit us he would have hit right where our son sits. I swear to go I would have popped the drunk, grabbed my putter, and beat the fuck out of him. I have never been so angry in all of my life after that. Just the thought of my sons life being put in danger triggered something in me. Just typing this out is angering me again. lol


Golden Knight of the Realm
Just had our 2nd a month ago. She's an angel. Nothing like her 2.5 yo brother was, he was a handful. He isn't saying "why" a lot yet, though he does ask it. Something that maybe doesn't sound like it'd drive you insane until you hear it: he won't just ask a question until you acknowledge him. He asks "what's that" a lot. He will never say "Daddy, what's that?" He has to say "Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy." "Yes Jackson." "What's that?"