Parent Thread


Karazhan Raider
We started introducing solids at around 7 months maybe? Basically 2-3 times a day they get food (we make our own, started with sweet potatoes) followed by a bottle, the rest of the time they just get a bottle.

They are like 9 months and 2 days old now, and they eat broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, peaches, mango, peas, and carrots. They all also eat those tiny little puff things, but that is just to get them used to chewing and swallowing something semisolid since they have like no nutritional value. Keeps them happy while we do other shit though


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My wife and I used a combination of making our own puree of fruits and veggies and whole milk yogurt mixed with the fruit and cereal.

Our son is 22 months old and he's really picky but that is normal in toddlers. He currently likes Vienna sausages the most.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
As soon as our son was ready to eat he started eating what we were eating. He does puffs, yogi bites, and yogurt pouches for snacks but mostly "normal" food.


Queen Bee
That's what we did with the first and he ate two or three bites of what we were eating then and he eats four or five bites of what we're eating now. It's so frustrating. The kid lives on milk and sunlight. Has anyone done the baby food from a jar? I'm starting to think that there might be research behind it and the different stages and introducing textures and flavors.


A Mod Real Quick
We started our son on solids around 6 months or so. We started with the jarred stuff, we didn't make our own. We moved onto regular foods like bananas, puffs, yogurt pouches, etc. Now he eats real food.. not necessarily what we eat but real food nonetheless - fish sticks, chicken nuggets, mac n cheese (his favorite).

Actually our son eats like a fucking horse, every 2 hours on the dot. If we don't have food ready he splits his wig.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's what we did with the first and he ate two or three bites of what we were eating then and he eats four or five bites of what we're eating now. It's so frustrating. The kid lives on milk and sunlight. Has anyone done the baby food from a jar? I'm starting to think that there might be research behind it and the different stages and introducing textures and flavors.

Yeah we use BeechNut Naturals from a jar. Combined with oatmeal. Combined with Earths Best Organic Oatmea Cereal. We also use Plum Organics pouches instead of the jars.


Trakanon Raider
We did the Gerber food and the rice and whole grain cerial/oatmeal (mixed with breastmilk) as soon as the could sit in a highchair without their head falling over. As they get to about 9 months start giving them things you eat cut up and start cutting out the Gerber food. By one year they should be or be close to eating cut up versions of that you eat.
But it's all relative because they develop different and get teeth as different times.


Trakanon Raider
My wife and I just had a second kid today - a boy to add to our 3 year old girl. He was a monster, 9 lb, 5 oz, and can already move his head and look around. Hungry as all get out too.

I found that it was a ton easier to love the little gremlin out of the box for me with the second one - I have a better idea of what's coming so the anxiety part isn't there so much and I can just love the little munchkin. With the first I had to get used to the idea of being a dad before I could really love her - took a couple of weeks.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Talking about food, my kid is a bit of a weird eater. He's 7, and one day he'll eat just bites out of everything I make for him, the next day he'll scarf down whole plates. It doesn't matter what I make, just how he's feeling that day.

As far as being a parent is concerned, I love the kid, but damn is he annoying now that he talks all the time, and his friend introduced him to Minecraft now he won't shut up about it. To be fair, I'm an introvert and I like quiet and being alone.


Trakanon Raider
Congrates on the new toy Animale.
We have 2 boys, oldest is almost 3 youngest just turned 1.
youngest eats like it's his last meal ever, he's a little fatty :)
Oldest eats lots or little depending on the day. Both were on solid foods at 6 months and eating what we eat.
No processed foods or lollies and crap.... Meat and veg, soups etc.... Oldest doesn't like pizza :(


Molten Core Raider
Wife's due date is today and no sign of anything yet. The wait is agonizing and I should be getting some sleep...


Trakanon Raider
Wife's due date is today and no sign of anything yet. The wait is agonizing and I should be getting some sleep...
With our first, I was tired of my wife's false alarms and drama. So I played some Link to the Past and went to bed. A few hours later she shakes me awake and says, "We gotta go NOW!" So rest while you can, but be ready. Babies cate not for your earthy desires like sleep...


Trakanon Raider
Alright you adults... How the fuuuu do you stop a 3 year old from asking "why"?
He has only just started and I wanna stop it pretty quick.
What have you done?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Alright you adults... How the fuuuu do you stop a 3 year old from asking "why"?
He has only just started and I wanna stop it pretty quick.
What have you done?

If you find out, let me know. My son's favorite word is no. No to anything we ask.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
One of our twins can be the sweetest, most loving kid ever. However, if she doesn't get her way on something that she has her mind set on, holy fuck does the demon come out. She will scream bloody murder, and there is absolutely no talking or reasoning with her. I have tried talking calmly to her, yelling at her, anything I could think of, and she simply stands there and continues to scream. So now I just stick her in a room and shut the door, and tell her she can't come out until she calms herself down. I really don't know what else to do, and don't know if this is just the best way to handle it at this point. Oh, and she is 4 by the way.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My son started doing this same thing around the age of 3 and I would just take him to his room. I explained he wasn't in trouble and he could come out when he felt better. It took awhile but after a few steps towards his room he would stop his behavior and say look I feel better. Now my daughter is 16 months and is just starting to do the drop to the floor thing.....

Kalaar kururuc

Grumpy old man
We told the parents this week, the in laws are about 2 hours drive so they got told over the phone and are coming down for a visit in a couple of weeks. My parents are only about 15 minutes away so we told them in person and I wanted to wind them up a bit so bought a grandad to be and granny to be mug, the be being replaced by an image of a bee. Fairly simple I thought, nope. Mum got hers open and is like "granny to wasp?" "Granny to fish?" WTF, how the hell is that a fish? Dad got it straight away though, his face was an absolute picture, wish I'd had the camera out. "Best news I've had in 60 years!" Er, what the hell old man I'm only 42!
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God summer is driving me crazy. My kids spent two and a half weeks at each set of grandparents in July and I am still going nuts. Trying to work with them constantly needing things is impossible, plus I feel like a total shit parent because I never have time to do anything with them with how busy I've been. I'd like to take them out to do things, but make me want to rip my hair out taking all three of them out together. I can't wait until September.