Path of Diablo (D2 mod, ladder reset 5/12)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not sure if any ARPG fanboi's like me are interested but if you are here is a great write up from Greendude the main dev.

Here is a video on how to install -

The discord is very friendly and helpful if you have any issues.

More information below on the server ------

This Diablo II community server has one main goal: Increase build diversity and replayability with as little changes to the original experience as possible. Ladders happen every three to four months and always includes a patch which helps keep the game always exciting.
New Build Possibilities


Under utilized skills have been modified and rebalanced so that more builds are viable.

Some skills simply had their damage changed to scale better in Hell difficulty, while others have been redone or replaced when a damage increase was not enough.

Every ladder, new changes are introduced to allow more potential builds to exist which gives returning players the ability to experience the game in a new way. This keeps the game fresh which is why players always come back each season.

Rabies’ spread and damage have been improved


Fist of the Heaven’s cooldown has been removed

Blade Shield shoots deadly blades at nearby enemies

Giving Unused Items A New Life


In the original game, many unique items are sold to Charsi because they’re too weak and uninteresting. Every patch some of these uniques are reworked to make them interesting and build enabling.

Sometimes adding a single new stat line can suffice. Other times, entirely new stats are created just for that item.


Exciting New Skills

New skills have been added to expand each character’s build options. These skills can significantly change the way a character is built; requiring different items and playstyles.


Freezing Pulse is a no cooldown alternative to Blizzard or Frozen Orb Ground Slam enables Amazon spear builds

Quality of Life Improvements

The new charm inventory allows players to pick up more items without sacrificing their character’s power.

The stash is also twice as big and transferring items to and from the stash can be done easily by control-clicking items.

Other quality of life changes include: inspecting an ally’s gear, a fully customizable loot filter for item drops and the ability to automatically party-up with players who join your game.


More to add… I didn’t have time to finish this document in time for the new ladder!

Things to add to this document:

  • End game dungeoneering system: collect relics that open portals to tougher dungeons as an alternative end game to just farming baal

  • Cheat-free environment: maphack, multiclienting, botting, all that nasty stuff is banned here.

  • Global chat system so you can talk with players in another game

  • Announcements for when players are first to reach X level.

  • Awesome trade website which allows you to easily post items and contact sellers.

  • Melee splash jewel which allows melee builds to do area damage.

  • Plenty of bug fixes that blizzard never got around to doing.

  • And more!


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, taking a lot of the concepts and QoL from (current) D3 and applying them to D2, seems nice really. If I ever get the urge to replay D2 again I'd definitely rather do it through something like this with some modernization.