Current problems:
-Many of the new spells don't work correctly/don't level properly/start at the wrong values (BIG OOPSIES)
-There's player collision in Rogue Harbor. That means you can both be body blocked out of the stash AND body blocked BEHIND IT and can't leave without logging out
-Heist missions end if you click to portal after joining them. Immediately. Why is this a thing? Maybe if you've already entered the heist area, but not the pre-heist area.
-Heist mission guys give you items. Did you happen to die/fail the heist with that item on you? It's on you until you find that quest heist again! I had a poison vial on me for like 6 levels.
-Heist guys have green items that you can't store ANYWHERE but your inventory. Heist tab? No. NP, just run them. Unless your Rogue isn't high enough level to run that mission. RIP inventory.
-You can get charms for your rogues, but can't store them in the Heist tab. Wouldn't be an issue if they didn't have merc level requirements that start off fairly high so you have to have another tab of shit.
-YOU CAN GET STUCK IN THE TERRAIN INSIDE OF HEISTS. Stand the FUCK BACK when you open the safe or you'll get stuck in it and RIP that heist.
-Some other shit I can't remember, but it's definitely annoying.
Marks seem... awful. Assassin's mark being single target helps for bossing, but why would they then nerf the crit chance and multi? Why make power charges on kill with big on kill life/mana recovery if you are just doing it on bosses. They dun goofed. I know the quality gives you %chance to gain charge on hit, so that's good, but the other changes are ???
Hopefully they hotfix SOME of these problems like collision/stash/quest items being non-movable. The other stuff may take more time but it'd be sad if some of these abilities are DOA not because of viability but due to actual bugs. League is definitely fun though and can be VERY rewarding when you know what you're doing, but like Harvest, PoE is mostly rated by lootsplosion D3 exiles on Reddit now so I can't see it getting favorable reviews from casuals.
Most of the fanbase just wants to zoom, kill, and loot with as little thinking as possible. I like that they're TRYING to give you some sort of control over your game and rewards and choices and risks, but mob mentality won't have it. I foresee more Legions/Breach/Abyss leagues in our future to keep the WaaaaWaaaas happy.