Path of Exile


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I assume the issue here is it firing an extra arrow? how did that happen?

The krangler is adding random affixes to uniques via the 4% per skill level to add a mod to a magic/rare when krangling.
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<Silver Donator>
I was expecting something from GGG last night, even just a PR response.
The discontentment has only started brewing on Reddit, it'll be soon probably. The more people reach red maps, the more people complain about the issues of a given league, unless it's jarring shit like "click on all these organs every fucking map it's fun".


<Bronze Donator>
Just starting? Isn't it most of the front page on the sub reddit? The 2nd phase of complaining, people complaining about complaining, has already started.
  • 1Worf
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
People are pretty salty because the krangletron will basically never produce a usable item for you. It's kinda nice very early on to cheat your way in to a mediocre 6-link, but otherwise all it can really do is ruin gear. At the very very ultra high-end it'll be insane, but we're talking the .01% kind of thing that can afford to feed 100 shavs or whatever in to it post-double corruption etc, or hundreds or thousands of 86 astral plates until it krangles a +1 charge and you can spend 50ex worth of tainted currency trying to roll it in to real affixes.

Mob damage is hilariously high in the upsidedown, and they are fast. So fucking fast a bunch of builds can barely even interact with them and just die the second they zone over. Armageddon brand for example utterly fails against most of the demon mobs in there, as their movement speed is so high they outrun the meteor animation and it just misses unless you stand there and let them facefuck you while meteors hit them. Like look at this fucking mob:

The damage on its divine ire beam is utterly insane, and they charge that shit up offscreen on you constantly. Lord help you if you rolled a map with monster speed mods or anything on it, or you've got your corruption anywhere north of 50 stacks.

Krangling maps is insanely strong at least and I think people are really overlooking it. Stuff like rare mobs drop a scarab is not uncommon at all and can show up very early on in the krangle process. It does take quite a lot of maps to feed them enough corruption to get past tier 2 or 3 in the process, but honestly you barely even need to most times. I just roll them until I see something nice in terms of rares drop X and then run it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Monster speed on maps right now is such a pass on the V. In fact, I've been passing on V most of the time unless I need to refill my flasks.

Also, somebody on reddit said their base IIQ is 20%, which means when you get 100-200 percent you're actually only getting 40-60% IIQ and it doesn't take into account the map IIQ at all. No idea if it takes into account player quant but who cares either way. Don't know how they got those numbers but I definitely feel like the mob drop rate is lower.

Either way hopefully a small tuning of the numbers is all this league needs. Luckily the mechanics feel great. Seamless pop in and out of league and map and it feels like it rewards good mapping routes.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
although i'm somewhat enjoying my playtime, this league mechanic is one of the dumbest i've ever seen

I love how they patched and retroactively fixed the random affix to uniques, an accidental league mechanic that just so happened to be pretty much the only reason to do the scourge content. lol

everytime chris wilson says "risk vs reward" the only response should be one word: scourge


<Bronze Donator>
I stopped dying once I could kill the fuckers faster than they could swarm me. One thing almost always holds true in PoE: offense is the best defense. I'm sure lots of people are having a good time with TR, but I had to switch away partly for the delayed damage. Champion defenses might be carrying. Exsanguinate mines turning out much better.

It's a real shame that almost all dot builds are delayed damage as well. Dot builds make such great starters and early bossers.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I stopped dying once I could kill the fuckers faster than they could swarm me. One thing almost always holds true in PoE: offense is the best defense. I'm sure lots of people are having a good time with TR, but I had to switch away partly for the delayed damage. Champion defenses might be carrying. Exsanguinate mines turning out much better.

It's a real shame that almost all dot builds are delayed damage as well. Dot builds make such great starters and early bossers.

Honestly, I've said this in guild chat awhile, but Bane occy is having a super easy time in scourge. Void Sphere, pop upsidedown, vaal blight, everything melts. This includes up to about T14 maps for me. 15 and 16 still rough, but I'm no where near done gearing. Bane is only Lv23, it'll be 24 with a 21 gem and 27 with a +3 staff and +2 amulet.

You can see what I'm currently running here.... Gear is really nothing special whatsoever. I've probably spent at most like 25c on all my gear.

PoB's calculations are way off though.



<Bronze Donator>
Honestly, I've said this in guild chat awhile, but Bane occy is having a super easy time in scourge. Void Sphere, pop upsidedown, vaal blight, everything melts. This includes up to about T14 maps for me. 15 and 16 still rough, but I'm no where near done gearing. Bane is only Lv23, it'll be 24 with a 21 gem and 27 with a +3 staff and +2 amulet.

You can see what I'm currently running here.... Gear is really nothing special whatsoever. I've probably spent at most like 25c on all my gear.

How goes it without the Void Sphere? That said, it's an ability open to everyone, so it's definitely a good tool to include. Let me revise my previous post. Delayed damage builds aren't a no-go, it's just silly how much of an initial disadvantage they have to overcome.

Imagine trying to start as melee in this shit.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
How goes it without the Void Sphere? That said, it's an ability open to everyone, so it's definitely a good tool to include. Let me revise my previous post. Delayed damage builds aren't a no-go, it's just silly how much of an initial disadvantage they have to overcome.

Imagine trying to start as melee in this shit.

Melee would be ass. It reminds me of trying to play blight league as a melee. lel.

Without void it seems okay, because vaal blight is still powerful enough to melt things, but void does seem to slow them down a little in the initial switch to the upsidedown. It's not a lot though, because by default they are just so fucking fast. Just make sure you hit it first before switching.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
when you shift into the other realm, it helps to have only one chokepoint for the mobs to reach you. I only started playing for first time ever a few days before this patch, admittedly I'm 3 levels higher than the current zone. But as a 44 Assassin with 983 life I can survive a full bar shift by having my back against a wall


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Just play righteous fire. Turn on the vaal version, press V, PURGE THE HERETIC

  • 2Solidarity
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Millie's Staff Member
I just want to say that "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you" is the best option ever added to the PoE skill tree.

That is all.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Atlas passives for expedition are over the top good. 6 explosions, extra remnants, double suffix. wew lad.



Log Wizard
Just play righteous fire. Turn on the vaal version, press V, PURGE THE HERETIC

View attachment 379046
My friend is Vaal RF Jugg, he's #2 I believe for RF Juggs in the league. It clears like a king, but the single target even with Scorching Ray is non-existent. He had the highest DPS on PoE Ninja too. He tried A8 Sirus and in 13 minutes he couldn't kill him. Lost in Phase 3 due to getting stacks. He may have been able to do it with Flame Dash over Shield Charge, but his DPS time in Phase 3 was incredibly limited so it still would have been a looooong fight. RF Jugg DOES clear like a fucking champ though. The only time he died was when he hit VRF at the wrong time.

GGG been radio silent for several days. Makes me think they're doing a full rework of the Scourge mechanic. Who knows.

Scourged maps can be immensely profitable, even at lower tiers. Make sure you're always Scourging maps. Also the currency is much more powerful than people understand. Stuff like Tainted Chromatics favoring offcolors, Mythic Orbs for targetting shaper/elder uniques, and the best, Tainted Chaos Orbs:

Look for ring with +1 power charge corrupt. It's 5c because it has shit stats. NO WORRIES. Tainted Chaos orb. Boom it's rerolled. Still bad? Do it again! Boom. It's white. Oh noes....but wait, cook that shit up! Then the RNG begins as you are purely gambling on the alchemy from it hitting well, but some of the corruptions (+1 frenzy/power/endurance, +1 arrow) can be very helpful even with lackluster rare stats.

BUT WAIT! There's more! You can also buy/vaal bases for the corruption you want and then Mythic Orb them. Want a +1 Arrow Quiver? Start buying shit corrupted Two-Point quivers with +1 arrow on them. Then Mythic orb that shit and see if you hit it! At 10c a pop (375% price hike in last two days lul) it's really not too bad for items that have less shared uniques in the base type.

Basically they gave us a lot of power but you have to figure out the puzzle to make them. The Scourge cookin' is definitely lackluster for items at the moment, they probably need to remove some of the no-nos and cut most of them in 1/2. Ziz wants them to only have positive outcomes and no negative which would be a bit much, I think, but maybe not if they just make the Scourge XP like 5x longer. We'll see what they do, but I'm in agreement that they definitely need to do something.
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