<Bronze Donator>
Who wants a fast mapper?
Screen shake and flicker? This man is asking for a seizure.
Who wants a fast mapper?
Just starting mapping you can probably upgrade some pieces for as low as 1 alch. You may have to send trade request to multiple people to get someone to answer but the upgrades are out there. Lot of them at 1c each.
Steelskin grants immunity to bleed now as well. The guard tree under Duelist allows you to remove bleed/corrupting blood when you use a guard skill as well. The low-key best option I've found for stun or bleed is to get the 30% mod on abyssal jewels/implicit regular jewels and either get 2 and fill out the rest somewhere else or just get 3 and basically be done with it.Been playing a tanky(in some respects) LL Petrified Blood character. Only thing that's threatened me so far is bleeds. I usually solve bleeds with a life flask, I've trained my reflexes somewhat well to hit that flask before the bleeding kills me. Not ideal, but whatever. With this build, I don't want to use a life flask. Not only will it put me to full life, turning off "Slayer leech", but Replica Last Resort will ensure I do no damage until I'm back to LL.
Corrupting blood immunity is on the tree is not enough. Vulnerability bleeds are still quite threatening. Not sure I like using a utility flask with bleed immunity, the less duration means I have to hit that flask more often than the rest. Is there a third option?
Is it fair to count Petrified Blood as 40% DR? If I do that, along with Molten Shell up and 49% life reserved, and flasks ticked, PoB says I have 380k phys mit, ~175k Fire/Cold/Lightning, and 70k Chaos. Still random one shots in Scourge 125+ stacks.
I've already run out of builds I want to try. I have a couple I actually want to progress, I want to keep pushing my atlas, but Scourge is making that progression feel disjointed. Stop Scourging at 100 stacks until I somehow find double mitigation(that's not happening)?
Probably, just super annoying because it feels extremely binary and unable to react to it.I'm not recording my play or anything so it's hard to be sure. But, I'm feeling that the deaths I have had at 200+ stacks--other than those that were bad play on my part--are due to stacking debuffs from scourge mobs coupled with map mods. My last death was at 250 stacks with scorch + sap + ele weakness in a map with crit multi.
Got a PoB? I don't see how you get ball lightning to that much damage without Doryani's Prototype.Meta is shifting all over. Occultist #1 in softcore trade now. Third class to take the spot. Going to be some very interesting builds coming out with new masteries. Would be even more if the new uniques like Squire were more accessible. I had the idea to do a str stacking Geofri's Sanctuary/Shaper's Touch Inquisitor with Energy Blades Battlemage. I looked around and low and behold there's a few guys doing it. 1000int/str 14k ES and like 5k hp, CoC ball lightning with absolutely absurd dps. Ball lightning average hit is like 300k which translates to something like 5mill per ball lightning which they're casting almost 7 times a second. Nuts stuff.
The very very top-end of energy blade is absolutely bonkers in terms of flat lightning damage, so I'd believe 300k average hit if they are battlemage.Got a PoB? I don't see how you get ball lightning to that much damage without Doryani's Prototype.
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Think his ES puts his EB at like 300 to 6000ish flat lightning.
All the new uniques are just busted. So busted I'm not even sure why they made them? Like there are precisely 0 builds that won't use a mageblood or the quad annoint neck etc. Squire is just infinity DPS for anything mjolnir adjacent, or even just basic ass shaper weapons. Damage recoup chest is as close to immortality as you're gonna get in this game without them nerfing it.
And they are all significantly rarer than headhunter lol. I think I preferred the old unique system where everything was quirky/bad but relatively available to do weird hipster shit with sometimes.