I've cut down my Reddit time to like 1-5 viewings for the first month. I was enjoying PoEBuilds Reddit, but it became swarmed with "How do I fix my RF build" and "I have 160 divines, what build is good to make?" posts. Sucks because there was some great info and builds there.
Crucible had immense power, not even talking about the dumb totem build, but it was just so clunky. I've got to believe they're taping up the boxes on PoE2 beta or some shit because after the first week or two GGG just didn't seem to revisit anything about the league. Think they saw big numbers figured that was good enough, left totem explode in for everyone to do every uber they wanted, and called it a league.
Sentinel was a great league. I was getting 7 exalts a day just from raw drops with dumb currency bots. I wasn't even breeding them really just slamming shit together. That was the only league I got a HH because I just bought one and played around with it. I think nearly everyone I knew had a HH and/or Mageblood that league. Recombinators were badass and I got some big hits, but fuck I don't know if they should come back. They'd either be too rare to be useful or too jank to be worth our time. Hard to balance, but we'll see. I think they said they're definitely looking at it.
Honestly if people asked me my favorite league I couldn't tell you. I could tell you the ones I didn't like the most: Synthesis, Kalandra, and probably Arch Nemesis.
Synth I only played 2 weeks or so and I heard it got good a month in.
Kalandra got patched to be better and there were good skill changes, but the mechanic sucked itself outside of doubling mirrors which were between very rare and nonexistent. I found 3 in one day and 4 in the entire league. And I played 4-6 weeks probably.
Arch Nemesis just had a clunky QoL like Crucible does. If they gave us a better stash for the tokens I would've liked it more and the loot Frankensteins could definitely be cool, but after a certain amount of money I just didn't care.
My favorite league actually may be Ultimatum. Harvest and Sanctum coming in close as well. Ultimatum just had a good balance of reward for me personally and I was playing a slammer at their peak and I loved filling the arena then just bopping them. Harvest was a crafter's dream obviously. Sanctum was just a really well done mechanic. I never got a relic I wanted specifically, but the mini game built in was pretty cool if your build wasn't shit for it.
Heist/Delve were also god-tier leagues, but are looked down upon because the amount of effort in the current game to get those rolling now just seems too daunting for a lot of people, myself included some leagues. But when they were the focus of the league themselves they were amazing and felt like a true expansion to the game. The amount of voicework alone in Heist was nuts. I don't give a shit about that kind of stuff really, but I appreciate the effort that went into it.