There's a difference between having to be in extra strike range and humping the boss. Both are "melee" but the latter is far less forgiving to the "juking" the AI does a lot.
However, I think you helped me understand the real issue: feedback. I know from testing that overlaps drops off hard even if you're the tiniest bit of distance away from the target. So, when you go to unload on a target and its health bar isn't moving like it should, are you too far away? Is the map layout fucking your return projectiles? Is this a tanky rare(not affixes, but those hidden loot piñatas that have a further HP multiplier)?
Some stuff dies quickly and other stuff takes appreciably longer and its difficult to tell if its because I'm not quite getting enough overlaps.
On the surface, I agree, new storm brand looks like old storm brand with a bit less than 2x single target dps. However, I haven't played brands since they nerfed them in 3.11. I'm not a fan of brand recall. New storm brand cuts 0.4s off the cast time, making it much more conducive to just toss brand recall altogether.
Ralakesh package does indeed look interesting. Don't have the money to try that yet.