If anyone else has noticed, a cheap and easy farm is Alva + Exarch influence maps. Alva only if you want to juice white/yellow maps instead of t14+'s. Full specced Alva gives you 4 temples per map, and easy leveling and changing of rooms. Doryani's institute (lvl 3 gems/gem double corrupt room) alone is 1.5Div last I looked, and Locus of Corruption (double corrupt room) is 3Div. If you don't get one of those 2, look for Wealth of the Vaal and run it yourself or sell it for like 40C or something. If you CAN do t14+, you can also get Exarch invitations which go for 3Div. I figure you get a locus of corruption about every 3rd completed temple on average, so at LEAST 3Div per 12 maps. And you could do that blasting white maps, temple levels don't matter when you sell chronicles, just the room type. It's definitely better if you build up a lot of Alva missions and then do them all back to back IMO, but hey whatever. And Corruption 3 / Gem 3 temples WILL sell, easily.
That's on top of whatever else you want to put on the Atlas tree... essence, ghost, strongbox, harby, etc.
That's on top of whatever else you want to put on the Atlas tree... essence, ghost, strongbox, harby, etc.