KB = kinetic blast? I've never played something like that so here's to it!Int stacking KB of Fragmentation Trickster.
I dunno why everyone is crying about ralakesh boots as if it's something new. There has been something retardedly better than everything else in every single league since the game was in closed beta and the only leagues were standard and hardcore and nobody was even close to level 100. And are ralakesh builds even the strongest builds?
Same reason back in closed beta not everyone was playing a 150/500 mf culling spork totem build, etc. etc. throughout the years. Yep, it's strong and doesn't cost 540 mirrors. How dare something besides a mirror bow + hh build be strong enough to steamroll content!Why not just run around with 10 frenzy charges/10 endurance/10 affliction or 11 power/frenzy/absorption or a slayer with 12 power/endurance/frenzy/whatever and then bolt on more charge scaling with charms. Belt, badge, boots, void battery, malachai's loop all cost nothing and crush.
Ralakesh boots
Are Magebloods
For 0.5 divines.
Does anybody run any real builds using + min charges? They are just another dead mod like all the other dead mods.
How much char power does HH give? Mageblood probably also gives an absurd amount of char power but I don't want to take the time to add up all the effects of all the 4 flask combos plus the belt mods. Yes, they cost more. Balancing via "you can only be strong if you poopsock boring content with builds you don't like for 10-150 hours depending on your rng" isn't actually balancing.