I want to say even with Affliction charms, ~200% increased effect was the max.What about if someone went big dick on flask effect? Couldn’t they get something like +20% max res? Pretty much negate an eternal damnation and transcendence?
Just like Pathfinder got "nerfed" twoish leagues ago and it became more powerful than ever. Unlike a lot of shit ass games, GGG actually makes changes for better or worse that change the entire game and shifts the meta around. Gotta love it.Hilariously enough if you go far enough back in time those flasks used to be +maxres, but they got 'nerfed' in to less damage taken
And now here we are like 6 years worth of powercreep later and its time to 'nerf' them again back to +maxres
How are they doing this with one flask?And now, with very little effort a pathfinder can hit 86% all max res with a single ele flask without losing anything, freeing up other flasks for anything they want instead of using all 3.
100% flask effect is easy to hit without any big currency items. Which puts you at 85. A good melding knocks you back to 81, then a single purity scaled correctly puts you back at 86 for all 3 thanks to Melding of the Flesh.
Pathfinders were basically immortal at high investment with the old flasks but they can get way tankier with more offensive power now for a much lower budget. Or they can abuse iron reflexes with both jade and granite flasks because they are freeing up 2 flask slots that way.
Anyone who thinks this is a Pathfinder nerf is crazy
The funny thing about trading in LE is that you don't even do it, because you play offline.I've been watcing Ziz's interview and holy fucking shitballs. There's gonna be actual proper trading in PoE 2. I've been impressed with Jonathan and how he was able to finally make that bald cuckboy Chris Wilson see that you actually need trading in an arpg that is not a pain in the fucking ass. Also Last Epoch probably had like 90% to do with it why they are changing their stance on trading. If they go thru with it I have to dump some money into packs again
There's two "guilds" in the game. One is the trading guild where you can sell/trade items on the auction house. The other is the 'SSF' Guild where you cannot trade or use the auction house, but you get major drop boosts in terms of good items/set items/legendaries. Everyone chooses the latter. It also works in Offline mode so server stability is irrelevant whereas the Trade Guild does not. I'd love for them to drop a stat on how many people used either. I'm guessing a lot of normies picked Trade thinking it'd be something, then found out they fucked up.SSF Guild?
E elidibOkay, so I'm still slaving away off and on with my Standard character.......I found this and it looks like it could potentially be way better than what I have now. Problem is, I don't know much at all about crafting and everything I've read just confuses me further.
I'll attach screencaps of what I found vs what I am wearing - let me know if there's anything not TOO complicated I could do to have a decent chance at a better claw. Keep in mind I only have like 25 div and not many of the exotic crafting currency. Really just want a real-life trial to start learning it, seems like a great thing to learn for the long term.
Yeah I am slowly learning that....Still running trinity so I need at least 2 high elemental damage rolls, the physical doesn't do much for me sadly. I saw the T2 Lightning and the higher attack speed and hoped I could make something decent out of it. What base should I be on the lookout for? Need 2 or 3 elements + crit + attack speed I believe in terms of priority.I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Do you want to do some crafting with the "new" claw? Crafting in PoE doesn't really work that way. You don't pick rares off the ground as a starting point. I mean, you could, but good luck finding a rare that mirrors the steps you'd take to craft leading up to meta crafting.
That said, I'm assuming you're a crit build? Local crit chance and attack speed likely makes the new one better if so. These kinds of comparisons is what PoB is for.
You're likely going to slap flat cold or fire on that for trinity support and be done with "crafting".
Am I able to fracture myself to go for either the attack speed or lightning? I'll go back to the craft site when I get off work and see if I can figure it out better.Imperial claws are the best base.