I've been searching heavily online and found no answer, I'm hoping my character isn't totally bricked. I skipped talking to alva in act 7 of the campaign, and now she won't show up in my maps, and she won't show back up in the causeway either. I tried resetting the zone for over 2 hours, tried the next zone too, other parts of the campaign as well. She just will not show up. I looked online and it said Alva won't show up if you're over 10 levels above the zone, and I'm 88 now, so only maps are within 10 levels of me, but even with the scarab to force it, she just won't show up because you have to do her act 7 quest first.
I tried joining a group of lowbies and letting them go into the causeway first, but because POE has stupid fucking group mechanics, only the owner of the zone can talk to Alva, she just tells me "i'm busy right now exile."
I can see no other solutions online, the only topics about Alva are "hur dur, you have a temple ready to go, just run it" and "I did the incursion but ___"