So I'm trying out a flamestrike build, I've never really given it an honest go before. It seems a little slow at low level, at what point do things really speed up? Right now I only have it 2-linked with fire penetration(I'm not even high enough to use faster casting or elemental prolif yet). At this point it's strong enough to 1-shot normal mobs before it even expands once, but it isnt nearly big enough to mow down a whole pack, so I have to stand there casting it for 3-4 seconds to get it near max size to kill everything. Real slow going for clearing areas, but like I said, I'm still in normal difficulty, not even level 30 yet, I'm hoping this changes once I can chain a few more skills on to it.
Also, probably a dumb question, but does herald of ash not trigger with Flamestrike since it doesn't do physical damage? I was nuking the hell out of mobs, WAY overkilling them, and the fire never spread to anything nearby. I know flamestrike won't add any damage for a caster, since it's based on physical damage/melee, but I was hoping the overkill/DoT would work with spells.