Path of Exile


<Silver Donator>
Ah the chat ones are actually not very intuitive I agree. To click items you need to open the chat(enter). Otherwise the chat is click through, I guess to prevent accidentally clicking an item while playing or something. To link it's ctrl+alt+click when the chat is open. Ctrl+enter to reply iirc, shift+enter to open general, something like that. I had a general starting guide on page 7 or 14 depending on how many posts you have per page that has a lot of these tips in it. The wiki for the game is also fairly detailed and for the most part accurate. The common mistakes/outdates info that were in it I fixed myself when I saw them linked, there's probably still some issues though but it has for example stats effects, dmg calculations formulas and so on.

Taking a break for now at least until new supports, maybe more we'll see. Also interesting to note if you like the genre, TL2 mod tools are ALMOST released. Granted they've been saying soon since the fucking release which was like 6 fucking months ago, but they sent test versions to modders to get used to the tools and they released the wiki and some tutorials already so it should really really be soon. I'm probably going to check out the Synergies mod this weekend regardless, main dev guy said he's almost done adding Warlock and Paladin and it also has Necro, Ninja and Myrmidon. Once the mod tools are in I'm sure there will be a ton more to play with too. They're just so fucking slow.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You know the cost of improving items deliberate right? It is one way to control the inevitable inflation that always occurs in these games. Personally I like it because you can choose to spend absurd amounts Min/maxing or you can just wait to buy a good item you see. I can understand where you are coming from though.
Yeah, I realize that the game will never be designed according to my ideal, i.e. no player economy at all. I do think they went way the fuck overboard on the current model, however. It's not just orbs of unfusing and chance where it falls apart at high levels. Map design is even worse in terms of using so much currency for mapping that only people who play in 5-6 man groups can possibly sustain it without playing the handful of builds that can gimp themselves with full IIQ/IIR gear and support gems. My witch is even one such build, but I'd have to replace almost all my items to do it (including getting a 5-6L chest which obviously isn't happening).

I think it's time I just shelved the game until several more updates happen. There are tons and tons of posts on their forums with similar complaints, so hopefully they realize that their design is lacking in many ways at high level. Either way, I got my $20 worth out of the game. I'm just bitter because I would have gladly played it for a hell of a lot longer if they'd been more reasonable with their RNG.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Vorph_sl said:
Map design is even worse in terms of using so much currency for mapping that only people who play in 5-6 man groups can possibly sustain it without playing the handful of builds that can gimp themselves with full IIQ/IIR gear and support gems
Could you go into more detail with this? I'm a new player.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Could you go into more detail with this? I'm a new player.
If you play in groups of 3+ you get an increased item quantity mod per additional player. This is a big deal because you cannot even approach the same rates on your own unless you equip every plus item rarity & quantity item and gem you can get your hands on but to do so leaves you compromised in combat. It makes getting a sustainable amount of currency on your own fairly difficult unless you have a crew you always team up with.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hm that is good to know. I'm generally a hermit when I play games like this so maybe I won't bother. Sounds like they realized everyone complained D3 rewarded isolation too much so they went in the polar opposite direction.


<Silver Donator>
Could you go into more detail with this? I'm a new player.
Well first the thing to understand is this "issue" only is an issue because of the current lack of level appropriate content and people trying to level to 100 still. The game is not finished, act3x(more stuff before the real end of act3) as well as act4 are already in the works even though it'll take a while, and over time maps levels is increased to facilitate this.

The issue comes from the fact that to level say past 85 or so, you need to roll maps with some specific mods for them to be even worth good xp. This is because the max level map is 72(74?). The difference of level between the mobs and yourself pushes you into the xp reduction efficiency system that's there to prevent farming lower lvl zones as an efficient way to xp(or higher lvl zones, it works both ways). To counter this, you want to roll maps that have the most mobs in them as possible, especially rare/champion mobs. The bigger the map is the better, because it'll have more mobs, which means more xp, and also more chance to drop maps, which means more chances to drop the highest lvl maps to keep xping decently.

However to get those perfect maps, you need to "roll" the right mods, using the available random currency that's the same that you use for an item. You probably saw some of these already, orbs of alchemy, alteration etc. Because it's random, that means rolling the right stuff is going to require a lot of this currency. You might get lucky on one map, but since you need multiple maps rolled perfectly eventually it just becomes a matter of having enough currency to throw at the maps to roll the right stuff. When playing in a group, you have an innate bonus to IIQ(increased item quantity), I think it's like 50% per player past 2? Forgot but anyway that's why in groups there's a ton of loot dropping, it's evened out by the fact you have to share with people. This bonus affects currency drops, however since you only need to roll 1 map for 6players, you can pool your currency and makes it a lot more bearable/easier to keep rolling the maps to get good bonus this way, since you get more currency but still use the same amount. If you're solo, you basically go broke from rolling the maps, but if you're in a group with people sharing currency, it's sustainable.

To be honest, as I pointed out first, the issue is the lack of level appropriate content, not really the system. The system is fine and you're not really supposed to roll maps 20times to get just the right mods to maximize efficiency and keep leveling. You can see that when you're doing lower lvl maps where efficiency doesn't matter quite as much. Even to an extent, you're better off rolling maps at a very simple level using alterations and maybe a regal but not chaosing/exalting stuff if you're soloing, it won't be as efficient but anyway anything past 85 is a huge stupid grind since it's virtually impossible to reach 100 at the moment. Might as well wait for new content and map level bump.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Hm that is good to know. I'm generally a hermit when I play games like this so maybe I won't bother. Sounds like they realized everyone complained D3 rewarded isolation too much so they went in the polar opposite direction.
It mainly comes into play at really high levels, if you are playing hardcore you will probably get bored of the game before you face the issue unless you are really well adjusted to repetition and grinding in these sort of games. I'd say give it a try and see what you think for yourself, it is free after all.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think I understand. In order to maximize the use of a map (which is a consumable, weird...) you want to have as many people as possible.

Do the item drops work like in Diablo2? as in, first come first serve? If so I'm surprised that my multiple requests for people's character information is going unanswered! Unless nobody is really playing this at the level where doing maps makes sense.


Golden Knight of the Realm
They need to add back in a fourth difficulty that has every zone as the same level; i.e.: 65 (1 level below the start of maps) so you can farm with some variety.

Ledge, Fellshrine and Docks all day is lame.

And yeah, if you have a regular group you will be way better off. Not only the loot bonus, xp bonus but you also get some auras you probably weren't using too. This game blows solo imo.


<Silver Donator>
I think I understand. In order to maximize the use of a map (which is a consumable, weird...) you want to have as many people as possible.

Do the item drops work like in Diablo2? as in, first come first serve? If so I'm surprised that my multiple requests for people's character information is going unanswered! Unless nobody is really playing this at the level where doing maps makes sense.
Loot is FFA, but rare/uniques are assigned randomly to certain players for 2+secs for them to pickup, before they also turn FFA. And mostly you want people to maximize the currency drops to be able to roll the other maps. Maps themselves drop at the same rate regardless, which is why the issue is mostly because of the level difference, as otherwise you would be able to solo and do your own maps just fine, even if they might not be as good as the group maps.

As for names and shit, as I said taking a break and I also don't have default chars anyway. There were a few people doing maps on default like last page or something, don't know I don't group either so meh.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think I understand. In order to maximize the use of a map (which is a consumable, weird...) you want to have as many people as possible.

Do the item drops work like in Diablo2? as in, first come first serve? If so I'm surprised that my multiple requests for people's character information is going unanswered! Unless nobody is really playing this at the level where doing maps makes sense.
On hardcore you really don't start maps until 69+. Before that you just farm the big 3 (Ledge, Fellshrine and Docks).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Related question, what makes a good duo partner with a freezing pulse build? My dad is going to start playing.


<Silver Donator>
Related question, what makes a good duo partner with a freezing pulse build? My dad is going to start playing.
Tbh about anything with anything works fine. Stacking different auras is helpful but other than that and having a conduit build in a larger group to share charges, it doesn't really matter much.


Molten Core Raider
About the only thing you have to coordinate much in a group that I've seen is auras. Heck, you could both be freezing pulse-based characters and do just fine as long as you each level up some different auras for grouping. You don't need 2 people running clarity obviously. With 2 people you should easily be able to have 4-6 auras running on you both at high levels, which can add a LOT of firepower and versatility. Someone running + avoidance and clarity, with someone else running +armor and a + damage aura of some sort is damn nice.

This is what your 2nd weapon set is awesome for, free slots for leveling up gems that you maybe wouldn't use unless you were in a party, or in very specific circumstances when alone(not everyday use gems)


Molten Core Raider
I'm playing on HC at the moment and releveling up since I died at lvl70 (stupid me going in to fight Merciless Piety forgetting to max my cold resist.. yeah, it ended messily..)

I play on HC simply because it gives me more of a thrill than playing on Default

Back to lvl63 but need to work on my gear again, Gameid is Nekione if you want to add me up


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This is because the max level map is 72(74?).
77, but a huge part of the problem is that the map drops in a 74+ map will very often still be 66-69. I don't even really care about the xp, as my build is technically complete at 96 or so skill points; 74+ is important because that's where you get max ilvl whites consistently.

As for a partner, you can't go wrong with bringing along a lightning arrow ranger. That's what my friend plays, and we have no problems at all as long as the MP framerate issue doesn't rear its head. Not sure if something changed but I had no fps issues at all last night. Our auras don't even really overlap since he uses ones that don't benefit spells, while I use clarity and he's blood magic.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Related question, what makes a good duo partner with a freezing pulse build? My dad is going to start playing.
Lightning Arrow / Blood Magic - Marauder is really strong. You'll both use different items, gems and stats.

Or double down on FP with different auras, as previously mentioned; more ice is a good way to stay alive and FP is pretty easy mode.


Molten Core Raider
I'm playing on HC at the moment and releveling up since I died at lvl70 (stupid me going in to fight Merciless Piety forgetting to max my cold resist.. yeah, it ended messily..)

I play on HC simply because it gives me more of a thrill than playing on Default

Back to lvl63 but need to work on my gear again, Gameid is Nekione if you want to add me up
What kind of health/ES pool should someone be shooting for on boss fights in merciless HC? I'm just starting merciless at lvl 54, and I'm only sitting at about 800ES & 2000 health. Very low armor so far, but I'll eventually have that evasion to armor keystone in another 5 or 6 levels, working my way there now. That did fine with maxed resist on Cruel Piety, but I'm not sure what to be shooting for as I level through merciless.(obviously assuming max resists for the fights)

edit - I'm a ranged/Ethereal Knife build, so mostly evasions/ES gear so far (tons of green and blue slots needed)


<Silver Donator>
Brutus 3k is fine, just don't facetank too much. Pop granites if you get hooked, mostly stay at range and kill him from these, moving inbetween spells to avoid his ground slam blood wave thing. Merveil is herp derp, just max cold. Sub bosses in act2 don't really matter, if you need to kite Oak around the tent dropping firetraps/beartraps and shit. Vaal you'll want more, but you'll want to farm some levels anyway most likely in felshrine or western. Aim for 4k combined. Drink granites whenever he does rock phase, if you're out of granite, TP out. Max lightning, just do it as usual.

You might have to reconsider your armor choices though, and passive choices, for EK you're going to want some armor if you plan to go lategame, because reflect is eventually going to kill you if you don't have at least a good amount of armor. That's one of the issue with EK as a main ability, it sucks for reflects.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, going to convert all my evasion to armor soon, and probably run the grace aura as well for extra evasion to armor conversion.