I mean yeah if you just want to slap on some MF on a normal build, then most builds work fine as long as they have rings/belt/amulet/boots free I think. It can be harder to hit res/life levels with all these slots taken(although ventor can cover resists pretty well) but you can do 2 or 3 out of them only if needed. Spell builds probably work better since they have less reliance on armor/jewelry based stats I'd say. Like a very large part of your damage mods are on your weapon. In the case of poet pen, it's even less of a concern.
I could do it pretty easily on a summoner build for example, especially skeleton/spectre. Since as a minion build all your damage comes from gems, tree and weapon+shield(if necro aegis), you mostly have to focus on getting enough defensive stats to use the MF items.
No aura needed so you can run purity of elements(it's good even since it caps summons resists), commander of darkness gives 20, you get like 15 from the tree on various nodes, so you get already most of your resists just by default. Because you only need a few minion nodes on the tree and because they're all close to life nodes, you can focus on life nodes and jewels to compensate for the lower life plus you'll be picking a lot of str nodes in the templar/marauder area too. Boots is probably not worth using goldwyrm over ullr and you want a shaper helm for 2nd minion links, but everything else is kinda whatever, I guess Vis Mortis over a MF chest too. So could run 2 ventor with poor resists as long as they have good life and mf stats, a bisco's leash which is actually a good belt for summoners in general since rampage works with summons unlike say onslaught on kill, can probably fit a bisco's collar too. Gloves, weapon and helm is where you get all your resists and life on gear otherwise.
Was thinking of doing something like that next league, since the amount of defenses I had on my necro felt overkill most of the time. Since I don't play HC anymore, there's really no need to reduce the risks of one shot to that extent, especially since a lot of time shit doesn't even attack me in the first place with all the garbage around. If I decide to push for 100 I'll probably do it, to guarantee currency/maps to push. We'll see what the league mechanics are.