Bit late to the party here but I've just started playing this. I've read up on quite a bit and was following a witch fire build - I started to worry mid act 4 that it was too "glass cannon" and by act 6 i'm just getting owned pretty much by everything. Is this common? Everything was pretty fine till the rooftop boss then it went to total shit.
The loots a fucking nightmare for someone new to the game as well - oh and it's pretty clear i'm gonna need a fuckton of storage for orbs etc - how much does it all cost? I only want to play casual - don't mind paying for some storage though etc. This game seems pretty good fun though and I enjoy grinding and stuff - if i can ever stop dying to get to level 100 or so. And how does it all work once you finish the Delve? Will there just be a new "Delve" in 6 months and everyone starts over again? If so, what happens to your old chars?
Feel a bit stupid asking this about a 5 year old game with nearly 700 pages but I've not got that much time to spend reading about it.
Yeah, after act 5, resists become an issue and having a nice life pool is nice. There's a decent chance your gear isn't great. Having some nice leveling gear is a huge QoL thing. Getting used to having oh shit potions are nice as well. If you can join a guild, there may be access to decent leveling gear, we have an FoH one if you aren't already in it.
For loots, I recommend getting a nice loot filter. Search out Neversink loot filter, it's very popular. For organizing orbs/currency, buy a currency tab, best thing ever.
Right now Delve is the current league that runs for so many weeks. Soon after completion will be a new league with a league specific mechanic. Your characters will get either moved to hardcore/softcore that persist all the time.
The game is huge, I've been playing for years, since open beta and I've still never taken a character to 100 or completed quite a few of the bosses. If you have any other questions, let us know.
items for your build that you rarely find on your own for pennies
Doesn't the target requirement on consecrated path work against HoI? You leap into a pack and then chain shatter all the targets you would have used for movement.I gave up on my quad BV. It was just too powerful. Instead dropped herald of ice, and am running tri herald, with blasphemy warlords.
FA+fortify+conc path.
Conc path is a top tier movement skill, as long as there are targets. Instant movement, regardess of move/attackspeed. The attack windup does require attack speed, but, is pretty fast itself. Bonus of MASSIVE aoe, and consecrated ground.
How does your friend deal with the sustain problem inherent to all chaos dot builds? I started with CA and that's my main reason for moving onto my next build.