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Are you sure about that? Here's what I'm having trouble balancing whenever I try to make a tanky CoC build in PoB:
To get the last three, I almost always have to go Assassin.
- Tankyness
- High APS and CPS
- Crit rate/consistency(these are separate for some skills like Cyclone)
- CoC kept on cooldown
The trick is to get APS or Crit from charges/ascendancy. Then get whichever you didn't from jewels/eyes/passives. So for instance if you want high APS you could go Raider and stack Frenzy charges for 5-7 frenzy charges. That's going to give a fuck ton of attack speed. Then invest in dagger/claw/sword nodes that give you the crit you lack. Trickster may be the ascendancy of choice as it easily gains power and frenzy charges giving both APS and crit.
I've also been thinking Jugg as you can easily stack crit on items/jewels and your APS scales slowly with your accuracy which you get a fuckton of due to the ascendancy. Jugg of course would be favorable if you want tankiness as they inherently get a billion endurance charges.
In terms of skills from what I see the highest base crit attack I can find is explosive arrow (wtf) at 6% base. That + a good harbinger bow and you should be in decent business crit wise. You need to crit every .15 seconds, so if you attack 10 times a second and crit 70% of the time you should basically meet that threshold. The only crit attack classes I remember having specifically are flicker strike, but they were always around 13APS and 65% crit chance (without diamond up). So I think it's pretty possible. That's not even including Assassin's Mark and diamond flasks etc. If you get your crit up to 65% and APS over 10, you could probably get a good Warlord's or Poacher's setup and that would help survivability greatly. For tankiness I think we'll mostly rely on pristine fossils %life mod armor (unless CI is new meta which it may be) and if you go trickster you could definitely go MoM if you use a movement skill like cyclone or conc path for free.
OR you can just stack crit and groundslam the fuck out of everything with Bright Beak. That alone should make your APS close to where you need it and you can just invest in a shit ton of passives and jewels.
Edit: Okay explosive arrow only has crit inherent on its explosion, not the phys attack. So all attack skills are base 0 crit chance which makes sense because you get the base crit from your weapon type.
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