I fucked around with that Herald of Purity/Dominating Blow build last night, played it almost to the end of Act One I assume (the ship graveyard zone), and while I don't actually get either of those skills yet, I was using the Holy summon thing (I forget the name), Smite w/ Ancestral-something modifier, and the summon phantasms on kill modifier. I realize this is all newbie shit to you guys, but holy shit that was fun. I can't wait until I actually get the intended abilities.
I did get Leap Slam since I can't get Consecrated Path yet, but let me get a little guidance from you guys please. Am I correct in thinking that, for now, since I was only level 12, I don't want to replace my left-click-to-move with Leap Slam yet, because it will just eat through my mana for no real purpose right now? But later, when I am much higher level with better mana regen and mana-on-various-events procs, and specifically when I'm slamming through zones over and over for xp/drops, I will want to put LS or CP as my movement click? I'm assuming that's what I'll eventually do, but it was killing my mana to do it where I'm at now. And if that is the case, for those times when you don't/can't use LS/CP for movement (like in town), what do you guys assign your walk key as? Or if you do it some other way altogether, what setup works best? I'm struggling with the whole 3 buttons thing because I refuse to use my mouse-wheel-click.
Fuck, while I'm at it, is there a quick explanation of gems in the skill tree? I'm not at that point yet, and I won't be before the reset tomorrow, but how does that work? Do you put normal gems in there, like say the Glacial Slam one I got at the beginning of the game? Limited, I assume, by the fact that it says Str, Int, and Dex on the gem slots, so you have to have the right color I assume. If so, does it matter what skill you put there, and what level it is? I'm sure there is a video somewhere, but I'm at work and can't watch, and the written stuff I'm seeing sort of assumes you already know wtf they are all about. Sorry for being such a n00b!
Also, if someone wants to send me an invite to the FoH guild (not Korrupt's, because I'm way too green to be around people I don't sorta know from here!), I would really appreciate it. Ingame name is ToadkillerDog. Oh, and do I have to delete that character if I want to use the same name in the new league, or are names per league? I'm assuming they are global, since everything gets rolled into Standard later, but I am often wrong. Not that I am necessarily going to reuse the name, but it helps to be prepared ahead of time.
EDIT: Will definitely be watching that video tonight, thanks for the link
Captain Suave