Path of Exile


Potato del Grande
So if i'm using cyclone and critting every .15 seconds (cooldown is 150ms for the cospri's) it will cast a spell from the weapon that crits. It alternates hits with hands, so would I not need to double the cooldown speed in order to be hitting each ones 150ms cooldown as it comes up? Each one can proc 6 times per second with .1 seconds of leftover time but if i'm only critting 6 times per second then I would be losing half my spells, no?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I"ve just been doing my own thing as I go. I am unlocking t11 and t12 right now. I don't know if any of you guys have a guild or not. If anyone wants to trade maps and such give me a telll. My char name is TPM_Furian. I am usually on around 5-11 cst on average. I'm up to 92 on my ele hit totem build. I don't know how yall are at that deep in delve. I can't seem to get any sulphite so only have been down to mob lvl 77 stuff. Niko doesn't like me I guess.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
God those dialogue loot filters seem like they would grate on the nerves after about 10 map runs. I've been meaning to customize my loot filter this league but haven't had the energy.


Triggered Happy
I couldn't use a filter like that but saying that's a piece of shit is quite funny.

The only filter I've used is neversink and i just keep that all defaulted and set it to strict once i'm in red maps.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Has anyone gotten the Elder H/O yet? Wondering how rare it is, barely have been able to play since we found it that first weekend.


<Bronze Donator>
Been thinking I might rely on ED to sustain life during boss fights and now I'm thinking otherwise. What a shitty skill to aim during a boss fight. I want to say it should get the ball lightning treatment, but that's pretty much what soulrend is. ED/Contagion just feels outdated in today's PoE.

That said, while I've been working my way up to T10s(yeah, I know, not saying much), I can count on two hands that amount of times I've needed to press my life flask. Even during Intervention encounter, I just don't get hit. Soulrend trickster might become my new starter, beating out Storm Brand occultist. Both clear pretty well but the trickster has far superior single target damage on equal investment. Better defenses too.


<Silver Donator>
People were selling various hideouts for 30-50c in trade 820, not sure about shaper one though, probably rarer just by the nature of the thing, unless you run a boss killing service so you have people giving you sets for free to farm it.

Fucking Nexus shit is killing me for the challenges, nothing is spawning, not the last reward I need, not cortex. Also Cadiro had alchemy orbs twice in a row so now I have to farm him AGAIN and hope this time he'll sell something good, but not too good cause coins are crazy expensive. I'm thinking getting the mastermind challenge might actually be easier now so might do that instead, but want to spawn a last safehouse first to see.


Triggered Happy
They should just remove Cadiro from the game and his shitty coins.

it's lame when he spawns and offers you a headhunter or kaoms for 20-50k coins but you realise that you've only got 82..

Interesting, I did a delve at 800 or so with him in it last league and i ended up with about 5k coins and 30 or so red maps (my screen just exploded it was mental). I thought at the time it may have been an interesting bug or something.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah they either need to make Cadiro core, like Prophecy shit, you get coins every now and then and then he spawns infrequently in random places, or remove it entirely, shit sucks. It sucks they made a challenge about him too. The only reliable ways to get Cadiro this league are Perandus Manor(which obviously is a terrible idea since the map goes for like 3exalts alone) or to have Janus in Research for Betrayal, but that requires manipulating the syndicate in a specific way, and then getting the research safehouse and even then it's slow as shit and not super reliable. For example I've had the last 3 betrayal encounters only spawn Riker in Research with no one else even though he's friends with Janus and a couple of other no ranked idiots and then all his choices were Bargain shit instead of letting me execute him to rank him up so I can interogate him later for more intelligence. And so 3 betrayal encounters later, my Research that just reset still only has 2 members(whoever's at the top I forgot and Riker) with 0 progress.

And even then, you need to use a specific amount of coins which is the worst way to go about it. Not "buy from Cadiro 5 times" or something, but buy 5000coins. Only that so far he's sold me 3fusings twice and 3 alchs twice, and then an overpriced Devoto for 3k, so I'm missing a bit less than 2k still. But who knows what's next, maybe he'll want 7k coins, and I don't have them and buying them is a huge pita as they cost .1c atm which is really high, because there's so few sources, since the Synthesis Perandus coin memory isn't particularily common.

Just terrible fucking design. Between that, the RNG super boss and the unshareable RNG based memory reward challenge, shit's so bad for 36. At least I could buy Cortex, and technically I should be able to buy Cadiro, maybe, if I don't run into a scam AND it's the right amount of coins.


Triggered Happy
When i found him in the manor last league he wanted to sell me chisels or something, 5 ex for a map, zero boots and then this dick wants to sell me fucking chisels..Literally the icing on the cake.

I swear the devs are trolling the players with stuff like this.